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Date Posted: 08:52:16 06/11/05 Sat
Author: Jim Wormelle
In reply to: John 's message, "MAY AND CARR FAMILIES" on 16:16:12 12/12/03 Fri

Hello -

My great grandmother was born in Leicester, 1884. Her parents, Wlater Dalton ( father William Dalton from Newark, millwright) and Emma Bradbury (father William Bradbury from Bedworth, shoe manufacturer in Leiceter in 1870's, then came to the US and settled in Brockton, MA in 1884-85.

Going through his pictures brought from England, there are pictures from Leicester of members of the Carr family. I am not sure if they are relatives. There are pictures of:

Arthur Carr, looks like taken late 1800's, he is about 35-40 y.o.

Arthur Carr's son and daughter in law, possible marriage picture, both in early twenties, taken about same time as above maybe.

Carr - a young girl about 3, taken early 1900's, probably daughter of above and grand daughter to Arthur Carr.

If you have an interest, I can email scans to you, and perhaps we may discover a link to our family.

I am also looking for any Bradbury's or Dalton's that may still be in Leicester. It seems that both names are not popular in research.

Hope this finds you, finds you well and finds we have a link:)

Best regards,

Jim Wormelle
Fort Lauderdale, FL

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  • Re: MAY AND CARR FAMILIES -- Judy, 19:00:03 06/14/06 Wed
  • Re: MAY AND CARR FAMILIES -- Judy, 19:01:50 06/14/06 Wed
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