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Date Posted: 12:44:20 08/13/05 Sat
Author: Terry Preston
In reply to: Elaine Graeme 's message, "FRANCES ROSS" on 12:02:04 05/22/03 Thu

>Any information on Mrs Frances Ross who played the
>organ at the City Cinema Leicester believed to have
>married and divorced person by name of Beloff. She
>went to Boston Mass. with niece Irene - Tks
My late father Ken Preston was relief organist to Francis Ross during the time she was organist at the City Cinema . Ken played the organ every Thursday night for two years Miss Ross left for the ABC Cinema in Lincoln , sometime later Miss Ross as she was known was billed for a week at the Savoy Cinema , which had been built in Belgrave Leicester my father was thrilled. when Miss Ross gave him one of the best seats in the circle so that he could listen to her play on her first night he was often say "I wonder what happened to Francis Ross when she left Leicester"? I appreciate that this information may be not of much help to you , but I was fascinated to see the reference, as Frances Ross obviously meant a lot to my dad. Ken went on to play the Church organ for over 75 years and died at the age of 86 in 1997

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