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Silver Desert
You walk into one of the villages. It seems dark and is covered by the forest on it's left and rear. There's a few wooden houses, four huts, a well in the front left, a pond next to the well, and a small farm near the forst. As you walk you enter the middel hut. There a young woman with long black hair, red figer nails, and a blackish dress that out lines her figure, with shining gold eyes and blood red lips walks over. Her glace and charm are lovely, but also haunting.
"This Village is know as Silver Desert. It's a village for humans only and for only those who follow in the path of the dark. The only way to be accepted is to past a test. Are you willing?"
She moves away from the opening that you came in from and you are now abeal to chose to stay or leave.

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Golden Water Dreams

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Where there is light there is dark, but those who live in the light tend to try and forget the dark.....
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