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Date Posted: 20:23:03 12/06/02 Fri
Author: The Cottonmouth King
Subject: Matty Dee...It's you turn, for 100% cottonmouth

(The scene opens as Ck is in the Damage INC locker room)

(Ck it sitting on a couch as the camera man enters the locker room...He has his United States Title over his shoulder as He watched Matty Dee's promo)

(He looked as if he was being very serious as the Promo ends...Then the camer zoomed in on his face and he began to laugh)

(Cotton looked to the camera man)

CK: Yo Check it Matty Dee...You got some balls walkin around my town talkin about how you didn't do this and you gonna do that...Well guess what Dee boy...I got somethin for ya...You think you gonna walk into the MCW and on your second match you'd win my title...I don't think so Matt dawg...I've been here for over 2 months...I've learned what this federation was all about...I've seen what this place can bring if you don't know what your doin...I took down the Fallen for this title...I broke him in the middle of the ring, and left him here to Rott...Walkin down that ramp witht he United States Title...I put my body on the line, and after 2 months of hard work I'm finally where I need to be...And you think that for one damn second that your gonna walk into Main Events and Take all that away from me...Your bitch ass has another thing comeing...I bled to get this title, and I will bleed to keep it...No matter what it takes for me to go through saturday, I will keep this title, I will break you and I'll lay you out for the one, two, three...

(He looked back to the Screen and paused it at the end where it said "Who's Matty Dee")

CK: You see that Dee boy..."Who's matty Dee?"...I got an answer for you...Matty Dee ain't shit...Matty Dee is a bitch ass wanna be, who wants to be a wanna be...Matty Dee is the son of a cock suckin uncle who thinks he's hard cuz he got a group of fairy fucks called the War Machine Army at his back...Well Guess what I got for you and you whore Machine Army...I the top superstars in this buisness...I got Xstatic, whose on his way to becomeing the next Fedwars.com Champion...I've got Little Man and Little J, the hightimers, and the former MCW Tag Champions...I've got the Untouchables, Titanic and Minion, the Giants and Curretn MCW Tag Champions...We got C4 the soon to be Cruiserweight champion...We got the current MCW Unified World Champion Crusher...We got Serina and Tetra, the bad ass Mamsita's with nothin but power and additude...And we got me...The Leader and Origonal Damage Inc member...The Cottonmouth King, I am the United States Champion...It took me a lotta heart, and a hell of a lotta blood, sweat, and pain to get where I am...And Matty Dee, you can't give me shit but a headache...tell you what I'm gonna do bitch boy...I'm gonna take everything you got...I'm gonna roll it up and toss it in my bong...And light it up for all my homies out here saturday night...Cuz their ain't one wrestler alive that I can't smoke!!...

(He starts to calm down as he looked back tot he Screen once again, and laughed)

CK: Who the fuck is Matty Dee, the wanna be?...He's just another guy who wants to take the short ride to the top...But sorry Dee Dawg...You can call me what you want and say what your gonna do...But non of that means shit when you step up face to face with 100% cottonmouth...It's all about the one, two, three...And when your lyin on your back after takin too many hits to the head, you gonna get put down for the fall...Thats all you got to look forward to...So talk your shit cuz I'm standin right here...And Saturday it'll be you and me...one on one...No more attacks from the back...Get ready to be dropped like a bad habbit...Check you later bitch boy...

(he goes to leave but stops and looked back at the camera)

Ck: Oh yeah do yourself a favor before our match...You look a little tense Matty...Go on home...Turn on the Tv...Gather up the munchies, pull out the Sticky greens and roll up a fatty...Then SMOKE A TOKE FOR THE GUY YOU CAN'T CHOKE!!...

(Then he grabbed his leather coat and opened the door then turned back...One of his rolled up "cigarrets" in his mouth as he flipped open his zippo and lit the "Cigarret" and took a long hit off it and a smirk crossed his face then he
blew out the smoke letting out a short laugh as he left the Locker Room)

(Scene Ends)

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