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Date Posted: 19:21:51 01/20/03 Mon
Author: Apollo
Subject: Apollo returns home.

{{Camera fades into Apollo walking down some run down looking streets. People that walk by have the blue crip flag tied around their head. Some of them you can see weapons that they havn't tried to conceal. All of the people stop to say "Whats up" to Apollo}}

Person 1: Whats up nigga?? I never thought I would see ya down this way again.

{{Apollo laughs}}

Apollo: No sh*t man, I spent to much da*n time tryin' to get out of this sh*thole to ever come back. Things haven't
gone as expected though.

Person 1: I feel ya, nothin' ever goes as planned. Ya remember Baby G? Well he got shot yesterday, tha punks that did it are movin in on his block as we speak. We bout to ride on them niggas tonight.

{{Apollo shakes his head as he looks down}}

Person 1: Ya know I gotta ask this, you still down? Ya want ta ride on these boys wit us?

Apollo: Not wit these guns, but if ya can get these boys to fight like it was in the old days Im down to fight em by my dam* self.

Person 1: Some things neva change huh nigga? Ill see what I can do, but believe this, the second you go down we start blastin.

Apollo: Naa Caspa, it ain't like that, I came down here to find my hardcore-self again, what better way? They get me down, you let em keep me down, dont stop shit for anything!

Caspa: Let me go see what I can do.

{{As Caspa leaves Apollo punches a wall, then he starts takin off his chains. He removes a blue bandanna from his back pocket and looks at it for a while. He ties it around his head. The camera gets a close up of his face, of his eyes. The pain, the rage is evident. When he speaks you can tell it is hard for him to keep his voice from yelling}}}

Apollo: MATT MANSON!!!!! You watchin boy?! YOU WATCHING ME SON?!!! I know who you are, I know you think yourself hardcore...2 year veteran that likes sick bumps....ILL SHOW YOU MOTHA FUC*IN SICK BUMPS! Watch this son, watch whats going to happen, because when I get you in a ring....it will be just me and you, no one else. I feel your pain, because I bring your pain.

{{Caspa comes back to where he left Apollo with a frown on his face}}

Caspa: Yo man you sure about this shit? These fools arnt no little bitches, they can throw.

Apollo: Cuz, Ive never been sure of anything, just take me too em and stay outa my way.

Caspa: Aiight nigga, lets go. Here, maybe this will help.

{{Caspa hands Apollo a pair of brass-knuckle that Apollo slips over his right hand. They begin walking to an abandoned building. On their way they pick up about 10 other crip gang members that all follow behind Apollo. They go up the steps and inside. There is 15 people dressed in red, 5 of the biggest step foward and surround Apollo.}}

Apollo: Ya'll shot my nigga, for what?!

Blood 1: Cause he a pu-----

{{Before he could finish Apollo punches him in the face. You heard bone crushing as you see blood fly everywhere. For a second everyone is too stunned to react. Apollo jumps to one of the other five standing there and kicks him in the stomach. He folds over and Apollo starts punching the back of his head. Already covered in blood Apollo starts smiling. Not for long though because one of the three men left standing picked up a 2x4 and hits Apollo in the back of his head. Apollo hits the ground. The three start repeatedly kicking him, Apollo doesn't try to cover up, he starts laughing. All of sudden he jumps and screams so loud the three men look around as if afraid to come attack him.}}


{{Apollo snatches a red flag off of one of the guys head and whipes his ass with it. That causes them to swarm him again. One of them meet a punch that kills him instantly, the knucks causing a sick thud ass they break his skull. Apollo just stands there while the other two repeatedly punch him. He turns to Caspa and holds out his hands. Caspa tosses him a gun and Apollo turns around sticking it in the mouth of the closest person pulling the trigger the split second afterward. You see brain fragments hit the wall as the man falls to the ground. Apollo turns to face his last opponent. He pistol-whips him.}}



{{The gang member stops breathing. Everybody starts shooting and the two gangs come together in battle. The screen fades to black. The screen fades back with Apollo and Caspa trying to catch their breath.}}

Caspa: Yo we did it! Those niggaz is dust!!!

{{The camera pans to Apollo, covered in blood}}

Apollo: MATT MANSON, that was for you. Soon you will look into these eyes, you will wonder what ever possesed you to accept this match. The only difference is...you will beg for death before I am done with you, but your prayers won't be answered. I'm going to show YOU and ALL of the MCW what hardcore truly is. Say your prayers nigga, cause you a dead man walking.

{{Camera fades out as you see Apollo and Caspa running again, you see a cop car in the backround searching for something. Screen fades to Apollo with blood all over him, smiling. Then fades to black.}}

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