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Date Posted: 15:24:50 02/26/03 Wed
Author: the human horror film
Subject: 10,000 ways to bleed

*The scene opens at an MCW house show. During the middle of a match the lights go out. A fog fills the arena and the lights flash red. A man appears on stage dressed in all black with his arms out stretched in a crucified pose. The fog prevents us from telling who it is, but he slowly raises the mic to his mouth and begins to speak.*

???: MCW........ M....C..... F&*$in...........W. How long its been since I last stepped on this stage. What a long time has passed since you all felt my rage. I've sat back in my cage and watch time pass by. Now the time is right for you all to die. Dont cry though, no don't shed a single tear. For in a few short days your nightmare will reappear. And all the light in this place shall disappear. Your fear is what feeds me, though im not greedy I only want what is owed to me, and to cause you all pain and misery. I have but one question left, Mikey J..........Did you miss me?? Hahahahahahhahahaha!!!!!!!

*A loud bang is heard as the arena is filled with a white flash. As you look to the stage the figure is gone and every thing is returned to normal.*

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