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Diablo Isle

Such, the Diablo Isle lays untouched and restless against the currents of the raging black sea, which engulfs it's outer surroundings, leaving one form of land where the simple dragons and dragonesses abide. Among them, there leader, daughter of Sese, Death By Moonlight stands flustered 'gainst the dim light that now ruptures the torrent of winds that ricocete o'er the Isle. "Well, well...my mother has left this Isle in my hands now, and I intend to keep it worthy of such attention," speaks the inky black female, "In such, I will watch carefully the happenings here," she smiles defiantly, "welcome to the Isle Of Terror."

  • Alpha Dragoness: Death By Moonlight
  • Alpha Dragon: ~~~~~
  • Beta Dragoness: Lucifa
  • Beta Dragon: Trajedi
  • Gamma Dragoness: ~~~~~~
  • Gamma Dragon: ~~~~~~
  • Delta Dragoness: Gravity Of Love
  • Delta Dragon: Thanatos
  • Sigma Dragoness: Nokomis (Noki)
  • Sigma Dragon: Blue Flame (Blue)
  • Positions and mates are NOT linked.
    Positions may be changed or taken away without notice.
  • Omega Dragons:
  • Horror On The Horizon (Horizon)
  • Omega Dragonesses:
  • Catalina
    Black Tundra (BT) {JP}
    Black Jewel (Jewel)
    Blue Blood
  • Mates:
  • Trajedi & Lucifa
    Noki & Blue
    Horizon & Blue Blood
  • Drakes:
  • Thanatos (Thor) [male] - adopted by Moonlight & Xezor

    Isadora [female] - adopted by Noki and Blue Flame.
    Artemi [femal] - adopted by Noki and Blue Flame.

    Dark Fire Lord (Dark Lord/Fire Lord) [male] - adopted by Trajedi & Lucifa
    Fierce Rain (Rains) [female] - adopted by Trajedi & Lucifa

    Sulphur [female] - adopted by Black Jewel
    Druid [male] - adopted by Black Jewel
    Gravity Of Love (Gravity) [female] - adopted by Black Jewel
    White Ripple [female] - adopted by Black Jewel

    The Slayer [female ] unadopted.

    Shadows Skulls [male] - adopted by Catalina & Lucifa?
  • Frequent and Accepted Visitors:
    Anna [human] Mind's Betrayal [Evil Mythical]

  • Excused Absences/Inactivities:
  • ---
    Inactivity Policy:
    You know what guys? New policiy! I suggest you read. There will be no more chances, I want activity. If your name is in italics you will be deleted in 3 days. Everything that you once where...you aren't anymore. If you had a mate, that dragon/dragoness is now mateless, seeing as you have been deleted, etc., etc.
    A reminder to all dragons that you must occasionally post outside of your lairs if you want to be considered active! I only snoop in the private lairs if I'm feeling extremely bored, so if you don't post out here occasionally, I tend to consider you inactive.
    Xezor has returned and is welcomed to stay by Moonlight, but not as her mate. They remain close friends; so, everyone, he is back and I am just letting everyone know that Moonlight still appreciates him, just not in the same way. They will keep their cavern, but just as friends, and because they have two children.

    The sun is beginning to peak over the horizon, and the weather remains temperate in the low '80s. Expect horrid heat and humidity in the late spring, and be wary of high temperatures up to the '100s in the mid summer. You will need lots of food to survive, and also note, you must eat at least one food parsel.

    Moonlight & Xezor's Private Lair

    Evil Toe's Private Lair

    Trajedi & Lucifa's Private Lair

    Famina's Private Lair

    Fatal Beauty & Blue Midnight's Private Lair

    Black Jewel's Private Lair

    Jagged Peaks
    the Diablo Isle subflock
    E-mail Me
    E-mail me with news, or if you're going to be gone.
    Sunless Day
    Gravity Of Love
    RPG Advertising:
    If you made an RPG and want me to put it up here, please E-mail me.
    Mystic Falls (Wolves)
    Wildcat Wilderness
    Magical Dream Mountains
    Fantasy Cove

    Return to the Mainland

    Subject Author Date
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    *|A Strange Visitor|*Bairavee21:22:36 08/20/02 Tue
    ~Re-enters her home quietly.~Jewel14:05:54 11/27/02 Wed
    Her entrance was like that of a ghost.Habernia16:26:50 09/25/02 Wed
    *a large group lands,happy to be home at last*Rains,DFL,Dawn,Twilite,Blue Flame,& Horizon17:00:18 09/15/02 Sun
    Flies in[]Blood[]Lust[]21:57:44 09/23/02 Mon
    =black stallion enters=Thundering Seawave16:53:06 09/22/02 Sun
    The dragon stared into the furious surf.Thor14:11:25 09/22/02 Sun
    *black dragon with hint of red to him enters the territory*Raven15:56:51 09/21/02 Sat
    Dragoness of the Dark Lair comes; to speak of warDark Tiger07:42:28 09/15/02 Sun
    Artemi lays alseep, curled up in a little sun hued ball. (NT)Artemi16:19:16 09/14/02 Sat
    |*A silv beast, lounges upon the sands, now blackened with the oncoming night*|Trajedi18:56:21 09/04/02 Wed
    The others could only mount his sorrow, so the young dragon searched for Gravity, the one who would not be a constant memory his new responsibility. (NT)Thor15:19:01 09/01/02 Sun
    *Hell's Angel*Hell's Angel15:08:10 09/07/02 Sat
    *swoops down* I am here to join, if I am worthy (NT)Seizure05:22:51 09/04/02 Wed
    .I smell death..Death by Moonlight.15:52:16 08/25/02 Sun
    *small hatchling looks around* (NT)Chiisai Ichi12:22:26 09/01/02 Sun
    †Duo†Leila & Levlynn11:20:37 08/27/02 Tue
    Dragoness soars in, a small bundle tucked in her arms....Arachnea20:49:33 08/28/02 Wed
    OOC Important for anyone who interacts with Diamond>>>Diamond15:42:31 08/29/02 Thu
    ..::.>*<..::..Gravity of Love19:36:25 08/26/02 Mon
    ...Return...Shadows12:25:57 08/09/02 Fri
    He slithered back into his home, seeking the comfort of family and firmiliar faces.Thanatos06:47:32 08/27/02 Tue
    *small hatchling saunters in looking for Lilith*Chiisai Ichi09:18:22 08/09/02 Fri
    Moonlight, I have a question to ask of you.Lilith14:35:10 08/25/02 Sun
    AbsenseKris14:30:39 08/23/02 Fri
    • Okay -- Caitlin {Jewel's Player}, 08:00:52 08/24/02 Sat
    *Flies in, anxiously searching for her sister and possibly her long lost mate, Maxximus* (NT)Black Diamond05:07:11 08/20/02 Tue
    Bright red dragoness lands, anger burning in her yellow orbs...Arachnea21:23:13 08/15/02 Thu
    [Mourning] (Everyone)Blood & Chocolate08:51:48 08/22/02 Thu
    "Moonlight?"Flamethrower16:03:45 08/17/02 Sat
    .absence..quin.04:43:16 08/17/02 Sat
    joiningJugdement16:11:54 08/16/02 Fri
    joiningJugdement16:09:15 08/16/02 Fri
    I'm a lonely little egg, and you know it!A ruby egg13:34:39 08/15/02 Thu
    The dragon sighed as he dangled his feet o'er the edge of the cliff staring into the churning water. (NT)Thor17:09:28 08/12/02 Mon
    enter in ^alone^hell's angel11:58:14 08/11/02 Sun
    §Things are not always as they apear...§Chamelion08:37:23 08/06/02 Tue
    ::Dark::Lilith11:41:58 08/08/02 Thu
    ...Absence...Jewel & Lilith's Player12:09:59 08/08/02 Thu
    ...absencequin07:37:17 08/06/02 Tue
    Moonlight, I have some updates for you.>Jewel12:32:14 08/07/02 Wed
    ~The dragoness flies above the Isle, bored and tired.~Jewel08:43:25 08/02/02 Fri
    Moonlight? May I have a word?Jewel17:16:17 08/05/02 Mon
    [ the watcher ]Moonlight18:13:20 08/03/02 Sat
    (We're back!) *A spectal of cerulean and pure silver, coated the skies as the curious sun announced the arrival of two*Lucifa & Trajedi11:28:37 08/03/02 Sat
    Horizon,Dawn,Twilite,Rains,DFL,and Blue Flame will be gone till Thursday. (NT)them15:55:09 07/18/02 Thu
    The crimson enters his home and collapses for a nap between lessons. (NT)Thor10:57:45 07/28/02 Sun
    The black moon...Death By Moonlight07:48:06 07/02/02 Tue
    ~She enters again.~Vivian10:48:56 06/22/02 Sat
    ATTENTION MOONLIGHT>>>>Tanya/ Lucifa19:02:35 07/24/02 Wed
    • Bye! -- Moony, 08:29:46 07/25/02 Thu
    IMPORTANT!---17:38:31 07/21/02 Sun
    *Return*Jewel, Xezor & Vivian's Player17:31:51 07/21/02 Sun
    (sorry for the absence) ....softMoonlight12:07:43 07/20/02 Sat
    *purplish belly to the sun, the dragoness of a metallic gaze, bathes in the afternoon sphere, talons grinding the sand under her* (NT)Lucifa16:32:17 06/19/02 Wed
    (*)sitting upon a sea-strown rock, he casually lets his mind wander, in meek meditation. Though in the sun, his silver coat relfected the rays, keeping the cold-blooded beast, rather cool* (NT)Trajedi09:20:20 06/22/02 Sat
    absensequin/moonlight/ceniza05:24:58 07/14/02 Sun
    Young crimson revels in the fading sun. Hazy mind wanders to Gravity, and where she could be. As much as he hated to admit it to himself, he missed her terribly. (NT)Thor14:37:34 06/21/02 Fri
    Going away for two weeks! (NT)Jewel & Xezor17:11:01 07/06/02 Sat
    New >>A Player18:07:29 06/30/02 Sun
    Archives: 1234 ]

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