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Subject: ((Okay, here I go! Sorry for forgetting 'bout poor Gravity!))

Nokomis and Gravity of Love
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Date Posted: 19:06:04 07/07/02 Sun
In reply to: Thor 's message, ""She'll be fine." He says aloud, tone not very convincing. One hand grips the purple flower tightly." on 10:05:51 07/04/02 Thu

((Hehe, didn't know I played both? I totally forgot 'bout this! The great B&C died [for the while] and my other 'more important' char was her bestest friend. So I'm busy with that, arg!))


She o' opaline wedgewood and moss nods to Jewel and Thor with regal obediance and assurance. Rosen prisms lain 'pon the lov'ly violet pelt with hope.

..*..Do not worry Miss Jewel, Thor. She shall be a fine as rain once I am through..*..

Full attention possesed by suff'ring femme, she payed the worried couple no more thought. Glistening loins motion her nearer to tattered she as elegant claws are thoughtfully placed 'pon attractive forehead and lean back o' purpline she.
Calling 'pon the magic o' her origin she t'was but a conductor o' it's might and glory. Opaline hide o' most slender beauty began to glow with alluring power.
Talons 'pon hands glow brilliantly as magic 'tis absorbed into the young'un, scales freely falling 'pon the ashen domicile to spring forth more flowers o' violet.
Many mintues pass slowly for what seemed like eons to the Pure one, though hse payed the time no notice as she kept focous and concentration to restoring the violet one to her proper form given at birth.
Blows the last o' the frail platings from her face with misty, glimmering breath o' magic splender..



Delicate femme o' fatalous allurance lays 'pon cold terra firma in half-concious slumber. Slight form o' purpline wonder aches with such power that deep within she knew would come forth greater things. Flesh tingling as scales now fall without pain to the flooring. Feels her wings becoming shorter with each slow breath she took, her tail growing whip-like and smaller also. Out of her petite form came smoothest muscles though, as all Gaian femmes, she remains very slight. Neck, too, shrinks in size and composure as spikes 'pon her become discarded ebony spades. Shattering 'pon the stone they give root to small black oaks and ghostly tree saplings o' eerie presence.
Mind awakens as sudden surge o' spiritual power rakes throughout her form. Curtains quiver at the tickle o' cold breath 'pon her complexion, rising slowly to reveal now midnight gems o' everlasting glow. Alighting the immediate area 'round her dial with swirling navy glow, muscles rippling elegantly as she manages to lift herself from the dusty ground. Dual voice of purest seduction and beauty emitting out like flowing song in bewildered question.

..+..Wh-What has become of me? What..is this power in me..?

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