Subject: §Things are not always as they apear...§ |
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Date Posted: 09:37:23 08/06/02 Tue
A tiny black kitten apears out of no where. It looks around for Death by Moonlight. Once it sees her it hisses and runs into nothing. From where it ran a dragoness slinks out, an evil grin upon her lips. May I stay here? My name is Shamel Gorgana Elexis Diablo Scanchesta Fereenena, but most refer to me as Chamelion.
Name:Shamel Gorgana Elexis Diablo Scanchesta Fareenena
Nick name:"Chamelion"
Breed:Wivern Trise Gerven
Detailed Description:Her hide is an odd type, made of black diamond. She is pure black except for her eyes that change color with her moods. (Like a mood ring...Amber for p***ed, royal blue for VERY happy, black for for going to get the idea.) Wings streach to 100 feet when fully extended. Her neck is 30 feet long, tail is 30 feet, body is 15 feet, totaling to 75 feet long. She is very lean, only about 10 feet around at her chest. Four very long and lean legs, each capable of picking things up with. When on all fours tail is carried up high with the scy-like tip facing straight forward unless she's sick or ingered, and wings are completely hidden. Head is crowned with twin horns that grove back, each is as black as the rest of her. She does have the classic dragon beak and face, except with an ovious beauty and grace to it. All claws are retractable and silver colored. Her only possension is a silver chain with a heart charm on it, which she never removes.
Personality:Very sly, loves to give riddles, and solve them. Often goes on quests for her alphas for the honor of serving them. She doesn't really LOOK for guys but does notice a QT when she sees one. Often she ends up atracting the WRONG types of people. Often looked to for advice and guidence, makes a perfect warrior and friend...not someone you want as an enemy.
Light or Dark?:Dark
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