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Subject: Moonlight, I have some updates for you.>

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Date Posted: 13:32:14 08/07/02 Wed

I'm sorry to keep bothering you with my updates, but I have a few things I need to add - and a few things that needed to be taken off of the page.
Firstly, all of the hatchlings listed under my name as adopted have quit, from what I can tell. (Except for Druid.) I haven't seen them for over 8 months. Druid is still as active as ever though. Also, since I was left with only one hatchling out of my five, I have adopted another one. Her name is Keaira, and she's a newborn. So I now I have only two hatchlings. I have adopted both of my hatchlings, in case you needed to know. Could you just update that part of it under "Hatchlings"? That would be excellent. Thanks.
Also, my new lair is ready to be linked to Diablo Isle. It is www.voy.com/101562/.
And Maxximus is back from wherever he was before. He will be residing in my lair with my hatchlings and I for a while until he can get back on his feet, so to speak.
I feel really badly, just throwing these updates at you one after the other, but they needed to be changed desperately because Gravity, Sulfur, Cinder, and Ripple have all taken off, and I am left with an out-dated lair and inaccurate information on the page. I am really sorry you have to deal with it all.

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