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Subject: *Approach*

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Date Posted: 14:29:28 08/16/02 Fri
In reply to: Arachnea 's message, "Bright red dragoness lands, anger burning in her yellow orbs..." on 22:23:13 08/15/02 Thu

*from a bit away, the cerulean creature eyes the other that was familiar, but certainly not in her nominal status. Seeing the limp, and not seeing her Lead anywhere, she decided to confront the other. With only one stroke of her massive pinions, her and her metallic gaze, pupilles, where before the dragoness of fire*

You look hurt, dragoness. I could get something for those wounds, if you wish.

*she tore her ocules from the injuries to make contact*

And I'm Lucifa, by the way. Who are you...I remember seeing you before, but I never introduced myself.

*taking the chain from around her neck, she opened the box on the end of it, and took out a serious of pedals, and cremes*

Eat this...it'll calm you...you seem quite unnerved.

*the substance was mint, and its calming abilities was amazing. She then began spreading hempora creme upon the wound, the mashed plant releasing its numbing and healing qualities. Pulling back, and returning everything to her neck, she gazed at the femmora*

And where'd you go to get all this?

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She looks to the other, anger still burning in the depths of her gaze...Arachnea21:07:05 08/16/02 Fri

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