.Death by Moonlight.
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Date Posted: 16:52:16 08/25/02 Sun
Moonlight, the dyer and strong dragoness. She of bittersweet pride indeed, leading her harem strong after the fleeing of her mother. But, in hard times, things must come to pass; and thus, Death by Moonlight will meet her maker.
Crouching upon the sand lowly, crystalline talons etch in upon the features that lay upon a creviced rock; steadfast facial features stretching flawlessly over her shapely dome. The black stood dutifully, peering over her cavern warily. But suddenly, Moonlight's knees buckled and she fell to the ground. Dead.
Moonlight, only a mere 200 years old fell dead; a heart attack, apparently.
The ownership of Diablo Isle thereby goes to:
To do what he wishes
- moonlight
(I had to kill her guys, sorry, not enough time and I didn't wanna go inactive! -cries- but please, if Thor isn't active, Lucifa, you take over. -g- good luck! Oh, and please make a new board....i seem to have lost the password to this one! Ta-ta!)
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