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Re: Get help, Mr Pyshnov -- John Doe, 15:54:33 11/01/01 Thu
You wrote nothing anti-semitic? I'm sorry, but any
normal person would find your material completely soaked
in anti-semitic ranting. If you can't see that, it
just more firmly suggests that you are mentally ill.
It's not a matter of "oops, he is not insane". I think
you definitely are mentally ill *now*. What I was wondering
about is when this mental illness *first* really took
effect. The best theory, based on the documents you
supply, seems to be that you had some kind of serious
mental problems back in the mid 80's that seriously
affected your ability to do work. The Zoology
Department may not have treated you as well as they could
have here, given that they say you could not continue for
"personal reasons", and apparently don't attempt to show
any sympathy for your mental problems, not even recognizing
them. But then it occured to me that they were trying
to help you by not alluding to this problems explictly in
a text where they could later come back to cause you
problems. Did you seek professional help at the time,
and did they help you at all to do so?
Tell me just one thing, that may help to partially
change my mind about whether or not you are suffering from
severe delusions. Maybe the Jewish Communists are running everything, bugging your phones, and persecuting you personally for being the only brave man to dare stand up to them. But what specific evidence do you have for one particular single claim of yours: that Professor Larsen's "main line of business" is really not being a professor of zoology but rather is "the real estate and other enterprises" [sic].
This seems very unlikely to me.
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Re: Get help, Mr Pyshnov -- Michael Pyshnov, 10:29:24 11/03/01 Sat
How your psycho/anti-semitic theory can explain away the following:
Larsen said (Document 25):
"In the retracted work, wild-type discs were compared to mutant discs, in the second paper, discs from two mutant strains were compared ....".
However, the titles of these papers are:
1) Cell Patterns Associated with Normal and Mutant Morphogenesis in Silver Stained Drosophila Imaginal Discs.
2) Cell Patterns Associated with Normal and Mutant Morphogenesis in Silver-impregnated Imaginal Discs of Drosophila.
The second title again claims normal and mutant, not two mutants. In the text of this stolen paper, she used word "non-Ns" instead of "normal".
There are no limits to her prostituting of science.
Are you trying to hold me responsible for her theft, fraud and lies?
Then you suggest that I am ill (secretly?) and U of T kept it a secret for my own good, but they removed me from University. You, writing anonymously, found this secret. And you say that your theory is based on documents. You quote the words "personal reasons" from some (?) document as hinting at my mental illness. There are no such words there.
The closest to these were Larsen's words: "he... decided for reasons of his own that he does not want his work published" when the "reasons" were that I accused her of stealing my work but she did not want to disclose real reason to the Editor. She said (in the same document 19): "he became unable to do more research" and said that my status was
changed, but, later, she changed this version, did not say that my status was changed and reported to the Chair of Dept. that I left when my "money ran out" (Document 25).
When you pervert the contents of the documents, hoping that some naive reader will not see them, I don't think anyone would allow you to post such stuff under John Doe. You will not be able to post here and take more of my time, unless you deal strictly honestly with the documents.
Now, you have a proof of multiple Larsen's businesses - go to:
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=""></a>
or just add docC.htm when you are on my web site.
Yes, she is not really a professor of Zoology, but a fraud.
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Re: Get help, Mr Pyshnov -- I am jew, however I disagree with both of you !!!, 23:57:35 12/27/01 Thu
Something similar happened to me more than once. The people who tried to do it to me were mostly my fellow jews although I have also had many encouters with 'Goyim' who made it clear to me why 'auswitch' was such a popular idea in it's time.
Yet, when I was at my lowest point and my life was probably in danger 2 jews and a few christians tried to push me over the edge while a jew, a catholic, and a born again christian did what they could to save me. One of jews who tried to push me was very ostentatiouly 'orthodox' and the jew who did the most to save me was primarily motivated by the fact that they did not want a body on their door step, which would have made everybody look bad. That is, the person who did the most to save me also saved the bacon of those pushing me because they had 'gone too far'.
Mr. Pyshnov you are extremely anti-semitic because this attitude is the sea in which you grew up and probably still inhabit. While jews are not remotely as important as many 'goim' and some jews believe, people do control their childred, families, and ethnic groups and believe me Mr. Pyshov I am 'very' familiar with your ethnic group - more familiar than I am with my fellow jews.
What happened to you has happened to millions. Some survived the experience and became stroger as a result, many did not survive, some survive but were broken, and some just survived.
Which catagory do you wish to end up in.
As to 'john doe', there is a well known science fiction story where 'fireman' burn houses. But, in the world of the sane pouring gasoline on a fire is not a fireman's role. If you achieved anything 'john doe' it was to give aid and comfort to those pushing 'ZOG' theories, etc.
Bad things happen to good, bad, and just normally flawed people. The crucial point is what we do next if a choice is still available to us.
I hope Mr. Pyshov that you follow my example and learn to enjoy life anyway.
As to john doe, therapeutic language does not a therapist make.
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Re: Get help, Mr Pyshnov -- Michael Pyshnov, 13:52:52 12/29/01 Sat
In your encounter with bad people you kept thinking along the ethnic lines and you now are explaining motives along these lines. Yes, there are historical causes for this way of thinking, and I am not saying that your bad people did not act along these lines, but these lines will not disappear until you FORCE yourself to stop thinking that any "fellow" Jew had to be on your side. You chastise previous messenger for helping ZOG ideas, but you do the same. A lot of cooling down is needed and a lot of traditional thinking must be trashed. The press must be freed to discuss very unpleasant things.
When a Jew steals, only very few people will say: that's because he is Jewish. I am not one of them.
But, when thief does not go to jail, when you see officials engage in crazy, impossible cover up defying each and every law, when victim hits the wall of conspiracy, this victim starts looking at the circumstances, the person of the thief, his connections, and, (in this day and age) - at the degree of the thief's political immunity (which in this day and age supplemented and far exceeded in its effect bribes).
PLEASE, UNDERSTAND that the victim and a huge number of other people who will say: "he does not go to jail because he is Jewish" do not have to be anti-semitic. And, here, I am one of them. But, wait! If, in addition, the thief is a she and a leftist - the case is more than clear. Yet, I did not say any of this for 14 years, not before I had more direct evidence and from a number of sources. This evidence is continuing to accumulate (THE GOD DAMN PRESS IS SILENT). It started when Pres. of Can. Genetics Soc. told me (phone, recorded) that I have to keep quiet because of the Jewish Holocaust. I was shocked and could only say something like: "But some Jews did not remain quiet and took rifles" which was of course a stupid reply. And, what, on this forum, is most discussed? - My "anti-semitism". Why? Simply because the fact of this crime IN ACADEMIA, COMMITTED BY THE ROLE MODEL is intolerable to you, for the wrong, ethnic reason. There existed, for 14 years, ways to avoid all the "ramifications" if the role model was so dear to the officials. Why they didn't do it? Because: 1)animal hatred for me since I caught the model red-handed, 2)belief, not unfounded, in their invulnerability. Larsen, by the way, did what she did with this belief.
Finally, no one has any right to give me "anti-semitism, mysogeny bla bla" BECAUSE THE PRESS IS STILL SILENT. I will never get tired asking WHY IS THE PRESS SILENT?
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PRESS SILENT -- Almost fell in the same trap, 00:05:39 01/01/02 Tue
The press is silent because this matter is of no importance to them.
The December 30 Sunday issue of the Washington Post has a story of police miscunduct. I know that the problem is very old and only recently has it been dicussed in the press.
If you go to the library and look at this article you will see that there are much bigger problems in this world than very poor treatment of a graduate student. Also some things that happened to graduate students at a local university make your story into a children's pillow fight. Stealing research from graduate students and then not giving them a degree is as common as traffic accidents. I heard faculty brag at a faculty meeting of how badly they treated graduate students who challenged them. I also know that many faculty give only lip service to truth, justice, intellectual integrity, etc. I once had a senior faculty member tell me that even if a certain reserch project led nowhere, it would be considered a big accomplishment if it brought in some NSF money. Another 'great scholar' told me that my concern with TRUTH was very imature and naive and he said the word truth is a very special tone of voice as if it were the ultimate 'obcenity'.
In some of my problems I was 'set up' by both my ethnic group and people who have no use for my ethnic group acting together. As far as people who should be in jail but are not, jews are a very small percentage of this group simply because there are not that many jews in a position of power.
I think that you were 'set up' by people who have very little use for either jews or your ethnic group. Just like Iran and Iraq - you guys can kill each other - is probably the attitude of those who set up to both jews as well as your ethnic group.
The people that I suspect 'set you up' tend to be kind, humane and humanitarian superficially in public but are actually prejudiced, heartless, brutal inside. Backstabing, dis-information, and false friendship are some of their favorite methods.
You are a victim of 'dirty' politics and 'games people play'. As I said above much worse has happened and is happening right NOW to many thousands if not millions of people.
You may wonder why I am taking the time to write long messages - because they help me get my thoughts in order and deal with similar problems and if my comments help someone else that is a bonus from my point of view.
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Re: PRESS SILENT -- JG, 23:41:21 01/08/02 Tue
To further clarify my comments, I will tell you a little more about myself.
I AM a holocaust survivor and I am sickened by the way this 'event' has been trivialized by both jews and others.
The ruins of concetration camps have become religious relics and tourist attractions that various groups are trying to control to further their own purposes.
This is an old story where christians say to jews, 'You killed Christ' and jews reply, 'Christ was a jew and you killed him'.
The sloggan, 'Remember the holocaust' is routinely exploited in the most trivial and venal manner by all sorts of people for many different purposes.
People used to be accused of denying 'God', so now they are accused of denying 'the holocaust', etc. Very little has changed.
Survivors like me 'feel like vomitting' every time this 'bloody shirt' is waved just to raise some money, promote a cause or pet theory, or threaten those who go their own way in life, etc.
Anyway, as I said before, I give thanks every day that the attempt to lure me into a similar 'trap'. Some friends told me to 'walk away' and with considerable reluctance, I did walk away.
Best wishes for a happy and prosperous 2002 to ALL who read this.
A thousand years from now I am virtually certain there will be no evidence left on earth that any of us even existed.
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