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Date Posted: 14:53:44 08/19/01 Sun
Author: Emily =)
Subject: I come into the lounge

I come up the stairs to the lounge. I look on the counter to see that I have some letters. One from Mallory,Adam,ah....,and The Show Jumping Comittee!!!! Oooo!!! I'm opening the Show Jumping Committee one first!!!

I open the letter.

Dear Miss Emily Kersey,
You and your team of showjumpers have been accepted into the Fall Breeze Show . We expect to have at least four members on your team with horses. If not, you will be disqualified. The show is September 11th,2001 at 2:00 pm. The deadline is September 4th,2001. We will enjoy seeing you there!!

Maxine Nethward
Director of The Fall Breeze Show.

I then open Mal's up.

Luke cheated on me with...guess this!!Lauren Ritz!!! Eww..What does he see in her!?!?! We were together for one week!!! Why me? Also, after that, I got a new bf. His name is Tyler!! He went to school with Laura too!! He is sooo dreamy. Anyways, I'll call you later!!! Bye!!


'Geesh...' I thought to myself. 'She is a boy magnet! Eww is right. Lauren Ritz?! What a snobby little dork!!'

I then open up Adam's letter.

Hey Emily,
What's up? You got a horse? Whoah!!!Neat. Anyways. You met any guys yet? I'm just asking. I have to KNOW stuff. Well, have you been up here since you went up there? We got that new high school up. You know, Millbrook High School? It is so cool!!!! I think i'm gonna go there. I went to the YDC the other day and saw out of all the people, Mallory there!!! Man, is it me or her that don't get out too much? She was with her friends and her "new" bf. Luke, isn't it? He looked like a player. Tell her to watch her back. Anyways, I'll talk to you later.

Catch ya later babe,

I go and get a Rasberry Nestea out of the fridge. And go watch some TV. TRL is on!!! Yes!! I watch TRL til the number one video. Alright!!! *NSYNC is one!!!! take that Back Suck Boys!!! LOL Or as Howard Stern says, Back Side Boys. (the butt) It's been a few hours, so I will go get Em for a ride.

Emily =P

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