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Date Posted: 17:01:54 09/21/01 Fri
Author: Emily
Subject: I come up w/ Vanil by my side

I look up at the door to the stairs. Two kittens were there. A striped orange and white one, and a fuzzy gray one. Such darlings! Vanilla meows at them. They meow back. Hmm.... Siblings? Vanil runs up to them. "You guys are siblings! One of the barn cats must of had kittens. Let's see....The gray one is a boy, and the orange one is a girl. I'll name the boy, Smokey! And the girl.....Sunshine!!!" They meowed as they liked the names. "Well, i gotta go in, u wanna go up?" A moment of silence. "No? Ok, I'll go in by myself." I walk in, thinking Ashton would be there, and he was, only with Carrie. Carrie and Ashton were making out. "Get a room." I say. They notice me. I walk to the fridge to cet a Cherry Coke. "Make us." Carrie says snobily. "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought Ashton was kissing the wind." "Shut up." "Oh, what a comeback, Carrie." "Girls, stop it!" "I'm leaving, I gotta tend to the horses." "Yeah muck up horse poop." Carrie laughs at her corny joke. "Carrie it isn't funny, a horse could stomp your brain into it." Now, on the other hand, my joke was funny. "Shut up and go." After all those five minutes, Ashton said one thing. What a boy, never gets in cat fights. I go into the barn...............


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