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Date Posted: 16:15:32 08/14/01 Tue
Author: Emily
Subject: I come in with my letters

I open up Jules' letter first.

So you know, I gave ---- your addy. Hope you don't mind!!! How's Emerald doing? You are so lucky to have your own horse!!! Well, I'll talk to you later. Oh yeah, He will write a letter asap!!!!!

See ya,

I then open up Mallory's letter.

Hey Emily!
What's up? Not much here. Except, I got a new bf!!!! His name is Luke and is so hot!!!!! You find any cute guys around there? Heh heh!!! If you do, tell me all about him/them!! Well, I will see ya, I'm gonna go to the YDC with luke. Wish you were coming with us!!!


I then open up ----'s letter. (I'll tell you his name later!!! Anna, you better not laugh!!!! or I'll kill you! I know where you live! Just kidding, but i will embarass you!)

It's Adam,(there I said it! He's is on my mind 24 7! When i'm not thinkin of JC of *NSYNC....)you know who I am!! Um... Julian (Jules) gave me your address. Um.. the reason I wrote this letter, because, I love you!!!! There I said it!!! It has been killing me!!!! I think about you so often and break down and cry. I miss you. You live in Kentucky now? When are you coming back to Virginia? If you do come, maybe we could go to the YDC and chill. It would be nice. Well, um... please write to me back!!!!! I gotta go, my brother, you know, Kyle is calling me.

I love you always,

I was touched. I get my stationary and start writing letters back.

Dear Adam,
Nice to talk to you again!!!I knew you liked me. Jules can never keep a secret. But, even though you wrote that, it touched me like I never knew. Yeah, I live in Kentucky now, but only for a short while. I'm in a showjumping academy and I'm gonna be a top horse back rider and maybe go to the olympics!!!! I don't know when I'm gonna come home, maybe in the fall for Halloween when i visit my niece and family. It would be nice to see you again. Well, anyways, I gotta go, I got to exercise my horse.

talk to you later,
Emily ;)

P.S. i like you like you too.

I then write back to Mallory.

Ohhh!!! A new bf? Wow!!!! Actually, i found a cutie too!!! well, he is hitting on me, not with me. His name is Ashton and he's Belinda's cousin. He goes to Marvel Academy of Showjumping, our rivals. He's on the team too!!! Oh no man!!! My relationship has ended before it began. Which really sucks because I like him. He's staying for two weeks to help Belinda remodel her house. Also, guess who sent me mail today? Adam!!!!! He actually likes me!!! Jules wasn't lying!!! Jules gave him my addy here in Kentucky. Well, have fun doing whatever you're doing!!!

See ya,

I then write to Jules.

He sent me a letter!!! He sent me a letter!!!! Oh my gosh he sent me a letter!!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!

Oh, yeah thanks!!!!!

P.S. Thanx!!!!

I then put the letters in an envolope for each of them, put their addys on them, and then mine. I then go to the foot of the driveway and put them in the mailbox.

I then go to the barn.

Em =]

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