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Date Posted: 13:29:42 01/06/02 Sun
Author: Rekar
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Subject: ...wondering...

Age: appearing to be in his mid 20’s

Race: Barbarian

Appearence:under his armor he has pale scared skin intence grey eyes and shoulder length
black hair, war paint covering his body, as well as the blood of the ones he has slain…

Strengths:His unnatural strength and his brutal sword

Class: Warrior

Abilitys: His ability to fight and take heavy damage without stopping

Weaknesses: over protectiveness and self sacrifice

Personality: Calm and passive, if angered will unleash hell upon the one who caused it and all others who step in his way… a pain filled soul searching for the comfort he so very longs for… alone in this world…all family slain when he was a child… raised to kill…and has slain countless foes…. Each Dawn, I rise alone, mired in ancient sorrows. Wretched and deprived of my native land, I have had my mind bound with fetter. For meny years, I lay hidden in the concealment of the earth, buried deep in stone. From there, I went, abject and wintergreiving, over the surface of the waves. I sought the prison of my noble kinsman. Sorrow is a cruel companion to one who can afford few friends, and the path of exile attends this mournful spirit.

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