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Subject: I'm in...

Knight Invader
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Date Posted: 16:02:30 10/02/01 Tue
In reply to: The Doctor 's message, "What other RPG's are people in?" on 20:53:37 09/01/01 Sat

I am in a few. Mostly horses. Here is a list:

Call of the Wild-Horse RPG, I like this one a lot. I am a couple horses in here. Knight Invader, Faran, Sephrenia, and Gwena. And a couple of offspring. Kenda(she never posts, so she's ,like, dead)and Knight Dancer(Sephrenia's filly). URL: http://www.angelfire.com/mo3/blackhearts/callofthewild/main.html - I did that from memory! I am such a nerd, lol!

Ancient Mountains-Dinosaur RPG, this one is kinda dead(ok, it is dead). I am Kyree, a Utahraptor. URL: http://www.angelfire.com/oh4/ancientmountians

Techno Realms-Technology RPG, this is my little brother's. It is not done yet, but I am Galen. My brother and me are the only two members. I keep on teasing him, he like never works on it. URL: http://www.angelfire.com/realm/technorealms - I have worked on his site a little. As in a microscopic amount. I modifies the begining type (Welcome to such-and-such!) and added a link (not the battle board, the other one).

Silver Horse-Horse RPG, I am Stardancer. In Magic Willow Pool, single and mate hunting! (Stallion Wanted: Must be male...hee hee) URL: http://www.expage.com/silverhorserpg

Dream Realms-Horse RPG (maybe some mythicals, i dunno), I am (big suprise) Stardancer! A deep blue unipeg with 3 powers that are going wierd on her! Yeah! Ok! URL!: http://www.geocities.com/dream_realms - I'm in the good section. Moonglow is in the neutral section.

Well, that's about it. I didn't add the really pathetic ones i'm also in. Like, REALLY ACTIVE RPG!!! (there have been no posts, since 01/01/01) JOIN NOW!!! TT's GOING FAST!
(Only 5 members, 15 tts...hmm, something's wrong with thier math) See you later! I can't spell! Bye!

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I'm inUnforgiving Wishes16:43:44 04/03/07 Tue

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