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Subject: France

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Date Posted: 08:18:41 04/19/02 Fri

From the snowy Alps in the winter, to the amazing festivals through out the year, France is a wonderful place to go. France has many historical monuments such as the Notre Dame, the Eiffel tower and many others. The 214,890 square miles of France offers many adventures and opportunities.
No matter what age you are, France offers places to go. If you are a teenager and would like to get together with your friends to talk, I suggest that you go to a café. There are many cafés through-out France. Many teenagers meet their friends at cafés to catch up on the latest news. A café is also a great place for adults and children to have an ice cold drink.
If you are going to France to learn about it, there are many monuments to explore. One monument that has had a lot of impact on France is the Notre Dame. The Notre Dame is a well known cathedral on an island in the middle of Paris. Ninety-eight percent of the population in France is Roman Catholic. Many of these Catholics have seen the gigantic cathedral. Even if you are not Catholic, this would teach what many French people believe. The Notre Dame is the starting point for lines on the street which follow through-out the streets. These lines measure distances from the cathedral.
If you are more laid back then you may enjoy France’s peaceful parks. Here you can listen to the beautiful babble as the French talk to each other. There are also many famous monuments on the parks to look at.
A few good times to go to France are in the spring and in the winter. In the winter you can visit the French Alps and Pyrenees. Some fun things to do at the mountains are going snow boarding, skiing, or play in the snow all day. If the snow does not draw you France, then hopefully the spring time will. Spring brings the warm beaches. The beaches are good for swimming, playing in the sand, and getting the perfect tan. Mid July through the end of August, many cities and small stores close. They take a five week break. Not all of the stores close, usually just the small places close. This may not be the best time to visit France.
An exciting event that France holds many times through-out the year is festivals. Here, many cities get join at an open place where friends and families get together. At the festivals there are music, dance, theater, and art events. This would be a memorable event to take part in. There are also festivals in some of the laid back cities or towns.
There are many things that you will need to know before going to France. France goes by the metric system. If you are not sure how to use the metric system then you may want to learn before going to France. Also, if you do not live in Europe, United States, New Zealand, Australia, or Israel you need a visa to travel in France. Once you get the visa it is only good for three months. Before going to France, it may be a good thing to brush up on your French. The Euro is the new currency in France. One Euro is close to ninety American cents. Even though France is a wonderful place to go there are a few down sides. You may leave France with a sunburn, foot blisters, or insect bites from having so much fun.
The democratic government of France provides an easy way to get from one place to the other. There is a metro stop every five-hundred meters which many people use for transportation. Take it to see one of the many historical sights or to explore its capital, Paris. France will show you a different way of living which you may decide to bring into your home. It does not matter if you go to France in the winter, spring, autumn, or summer, there will always be something fun to explore in France.

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