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A hard-bitten stallion looks at you with shifty eyes. "I am Talon. This is the thieving area. Here stallions may steal mares from other stallion's herds. Stallions may only steal one mare maximum and may only steal from one herd at a time. Stallions may steal mares a maximum of twice a week." He pauses, "Stallions have three days to chase off the thief. If a player is away, NO STEALING THEIR MARES until they come back!" Thinking a bit, he continues, "Oh, yes. Mares may NOT warn their stallion that they are being stolen. Mares must go with the stallion that stole them, no running away." Slipping away quickly, he watches the procedings carefully.
Endless Dreams

Subject Author Date
UnclaimedUnforgiving Wishes09:40:18 04/03/07 Tue
Still Wanting To Breed ..Starlight20:26:51 09/13/06 Wed
TalonMoondancer16:05:54 02/15/06 Wed
!Moondancer Steals for the first time!Moondancer16:01:37 02/15/06 Wed
A powerful stallion....Moondancer16:10:59 02/14/06 Tue
Waiting to be claimed...Silver Dream15:29:11 08/06/05 Sat
::destiny::Caligraphy17:30:42 01/09/02 Wed
Still waiting to breed......Isithrang16:42:56 03/24/05 Thu
Herdless MareStarfire19:22:26 08/28/04 Sat
Stallion appears out of nowhereSilent Dreams09:34:12 10/08/02 Tue
!Subtle Knife!!Exile!09:24:08 01/20/02 Sun
*Stallion appears.*MS00:43:47 11/25/01 Sun
!Theiving!!Exile!14:16:45 11/23/01 Fri
%-Subtle-%Firestorm14:46:34 10/19/01 Fri

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