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Subject: THANKS GLOBAL for being respectful!

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Date Posted: 13:40:28 09/19/01 Wed

We have tried to be select in our pageant goings. Our daughter has won many state and nationals and we love pageants but this last weekend during all the terror we were shocked and surprised at some of the responses other pageant directors were showing. You can call it uneducated,ignorant and non caring but the harsh truth is that many of our pageant friends apparently have little regard for country and mankind. It is true we all have our opinions and we all grieve in different manners but I have been appalled at some of the post I have seen. I guess what I am getting to is I appreciate a director and a system that can show dignity in the face of of such a sad tradgedy. I commend you for your handling of it and wanted to tell you that my daughter and I both look forward to attending your pageants. Much Respect!

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[> Subject: I agree with you.. some people have totally shocked me! Click in

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Date Posted: 16:35:09 09/19/01 Wed

You know I always felt that people in pageants were similiar. Agfter this it has been a rude awakening to just how insensitive and cold some have acted about this national tragedy. Pageants are a hobby that we love as much as the next person however, what happened to morals, caring and teaching children to be beautiful inside as well as out! That is what we strive for. Nothing is more important than what we are going thru now in out country. We also will be attending Global because this attack on America has shown the types of people & contests that are out there & from now on I will be more select on where I put my child! I only want positive to rub off on her!!!

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