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Subject: Re: PAGEANTS: PH--Click in!

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Date Posted: 20:39:44 09/21/01 Fri
In reply to: 's message, "Re: PAGEANTS" on 19:16:01 09/21/01 Fri

>Sounds like some were mad because their opinions were
>removed1 That is fine but, why not remove all the
>opinions then?

First, let me say that I never, ever called you inhuman. That was someone else. I did however state my opinion on this board that I had heard from some people that I know that they thought that maybe it was in bad taste to have your pageant this weekend. I posted here that that was YOUR decision to make. And it was.
Secondly--The negative postings were removed. Can't say I blame you, I would have done the same things. It is your board and of course you want it to reflect good.
Now as far as your system. I wasn't there and don't know how it went. I do know though, that it seems that maybe your "pageant" mamas may be causing alot of this ruckus.
Seems like alot of bigname people didn't win and are starting all this up. I just posted a comment or two about how we felt about doing ANYTHING the weekend after the tragedy. We felt it was more important to us as a family to stay with each other and not worry about the "festivities" of a pageant or any other activity for that matter. I stated this in a calm and unoffensive way and if you took offense to it--I do apologize. That was basically ALL that I posted. Anything mean, hateful or spiteful was not posted by me. That was someone else. I have seen postings concerning judging, past experience, etc. and although they have been interesting to read--that is all I have done is read them. Again--someone else is posting these negative things.
Sorry, if my post on your board and here got you upset. I didn't do it to anger you--just to put my point in in a forum that was listing opinions.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: PAGEANTS: response--Click in!

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Date Posted: 04:36:35 09/22/01 Sat

I can appreciate your opinion as well as anyone else, but it was taken to heart becuase of me trying to get out of my contract. There was just no way. I don't even come to any message boards other than mine and the Bravo Board. I received sooo many calls that I needed to read them, so I did.. I wish I had not now. I am not mad at anyone. Hurt, yes. All I want is for the kids to have a good year, understand that there is more to winning than just a crown and trophy. That is all. Oh, and I want ALL OF US to be safe in our own country and get along. That is my prayer daily. I do appreciate your time explaining your post. Thank you. I did delete all of the post from that night. I just don't want all of the "talk". Especially at a time where everyone is on edge anyway.
Again, thank you for responding to me.

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