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Subject: IN BEHALF OF PH and RPG! (please read)

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Date Posted: 11:40:30 09/22/01 Sat

Hello, This is Angela & Nikki Chatham directors of International Global Miss. We want to thank all of you for such wonderful and kind words concerning our decision to reschedule our Mini National which we are working on at the present.We were disappointed, but are looking forward to the new date!We felt it necessary in order to give us all time to mourn our losses and to begin the healing process. It was fortunate for us that our hotel was willing to work with us on this matter. My heart goes out to those who were not as lucky. I understand that RPG was one of those few that had to proceed as planned due to contractual obligations that would have been quite costly within her business and personal accounts.Pennie expressed herself the wish that she could have postponed her pageant, but had no choice. I am sure this was very hard for her, but she went ahead as planned and from what I understand had a very nice pageant. Pennie as I know her is a very sweet women with a kind heart and I hate to see all the hurtful things that some are saying in regard to her and her system.Please try to understand that while this is a hobby for most it is a business with business obligations.After the tragic events of September 11th I realize that most of our problems seem small in comparison to so many families that were directly affected. I hope we can all forget our differences and come together as our Nation has and bring a whole new meaning and goal to our world of pageantry.GOD BLESS YOU and GOD BLESS OUR NATION! with love,Angela & Nikki Chatham

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[> Subject: Very nicely said thank you.I wish for that too!

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Date Posted: 12:42:36 09/22/01 Sat

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