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A massive stallion explodes into flame right in front of you. He smiles cruelly and you feel the heat bearing down on you. He speaks, "These are the Stallion Fields. Stallions live here before they have a herd. I am Firestorm. If you annoy me, you shall pay for it. Sometimes with your life." The cold visage gives proof to his words. Firestorm doesn't vanish, but stays there, watching the stallions carefully...
Endless Dreams

Subject Author Date
AK 74 FOR SALE cali420Cali (lawson)13:47:03 01/08/22 Sat
Introduction To Statistical Theory Part 1 By Prof Sher Muhammad Chaudhry Key Bookellmari18:07:52 01/22/14 Wed
Neighhhh!Moondancer14:11:07 02/13/06 Mon
NewShadow12:37:08 01/13/07 Sat
  • Re: New -- MoonShadow (Puzzled), 20:57:32 11/12/09 Thu
Still Wanting To Breed ..Starlight21:30:52 09/13/06 Wed
New StallyBit of Stardust14:32:04 04/25/05 Mon
*He trots into the field.*Midnight Shadow11:02:32 11/21/01 Wed
Stomps into the fieldsShado\/\/ Scar15:47:10 04/25/05 Mon
Going BackSilver Dreams15:52:47 08/06/05 Sat
Stomps up to firestormSilver Dream15:49:21 08/06/05 Sat
Turn Back Again!,Stupid Draft!Silver Dream15:22:09 08/06/05 Sat
Does not fit in here...Silver Dream15:08:33 08/06/05 Sat
lightninglightning20:23:26 06/20/05 Mon
Gypsy walks in and notices she does not fit in......Gypsy18:19:45 06/20/05 Mon
New stallionBonfire15:44:40 02/24/05 Thu
Wrong Field!Isithrang (curious, but frightened)15:42:05 03/24/05 Thu
Who do you think the pick of the mares could be?Storm Bird16:45:09 11/07/04 Sun
Find a herdBlack Stargazer12:46:03 08/28/04 Sat
The Different StallionBlack Stargazer20:44:17 08/27/04 Fri
OOPSCaleb C.20:06:50 06/28/04 Mon
New Stalion in TownCaleb C.20:05:19 06/28/04 Mon
New Stalion in TownCaleb C.19:12:27 06/28/04 Mon
::Compare and Contrast::Major Contrast12:34:55 09/30/03 Tue
~*...Cantering in...*~Battle Cry16:58:25 10/08/02 Tue
~-Canters in-~Knight Invader16:25:28 08/13/01 Mon
Joins FightSilent Dreams09:30:36 10/08/02 Tue
He enters...Shaikh Aladd15:37:46 03/24/02 Sun
I'm new.Dusk10:42:34 05/25/02 Sat
#Galloping in#Blaze03:30:59 05/30/02 Thu
hihf10:26:18 06/06/02 Thu
Enters*~*Baringa*~*04:00:56 01/19/02 Sat
!Good Ridance!!Exile!14:19:22 11/23/01 Fri
!Digust!!Exile!05:07:12 11/04/01 Sun
%-starts to get annoyed-%Firestorm10:10:57 09/09/01 Sun
%-Gallops-%Firestorm12:39:10 08/13/01 Mon

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I wouldn't talk to Firestorm if I were you.
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