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Subject: %-Roar-%

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Date Posted: 18:38:25 11/25/01 Sun
In reply to: MS 's message, "*He tosses his head.*" on 00:33:10 11/25/01 Sun

Named not for gentleness, the dominant masculine reaches out with a muscular piston and slashes out with a razor daggar. Catching the younger stallion in the leg, the light cut sprays out a light crimson mist. Looking amused at the situation, he-beast shakes his head and lets his firey mane whip around. That was for your impertnance youngling. That is a...special...cut and may only be healed by my- Visage twists with disgust, dear brother, Knight Invader. Walks back to the lonely perch on which he was first situated. Good luck...

(You are now probably a bit confused. This game has two major Lead stallions and a bunch of lesser Lead stallions. The two major Leads are Knight Invader and Firestorm. They can both do magical things. Firestorm was banished to this place by KI. Firestorm is the 'bad' brother. Go to KI's herd and communicate that you are hurt. He doesn't talk very much. Although, since I injured you, KI will probably gift you with extra stamina or speed. He does things like that...)

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*He flicks his leg in agitatian.*MS09:38:20 11/26/01 Mon

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