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~-Sighs-~ -- KI, 18:14:30 10/17/01 Wed (
(No, no, no, you've got me all wrong...I will not powerplay and neither will any of the mares live in my herd {they aren't mine, as you so cutely put it...}. Well, Athena might, but I don't play Athena. Thank God. ;) I just want you to have a little 'talk' {considering you can't speak, but you know what I mean...} with some of them. Oh, and please get into a fight with Athena {the goddess of wisdom[ha!] and the arts of war[that sounds more like her...]}, it would be ever so amusing! *laughs*)
Lightly spattered with blood, but otherwise unharmed, steed retaliates with a shocking speed (he slits her ears, nose, and, no...). Lashing out with razor-sharp daggers of onyx hoof, he slices like a hot knife through butter (no, he doesn't melt the skin around it...*grin*) the femme's neck, whick now looks as spattered as his own.
Like a battering ram, heavily-muscled stallion rams into the hellion with incredable force, launching her several meters towards his home.
(How many messages do we have left before "The Doctor" bites our heads off and eats us for breakfast?)
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-smirk- -- Rare Legacy, 12:51:34 10/18/01 Thu (
(og darlin i'm sorry. -re- Yeh cuz I /like/ going into territories to be ganged up on by your mares, and [slick, what i meant by your mares is your 'herd members' -gag-]yeh, and no it would not be ever so amusing to me because it's unfair. :-) thanks and no thanks I do not like how you powerplay and yes, you do. shocking speed (he slits her ears, nose, and, no...) you CANNOT tell me that this is not powerplaying. -smile- and this would happen to be the last post! wow. if you want to carry on you may e-mail me )
{i think i like this powerplaying CRAP}
-Auds melt and she jerks her head down quickly away from his grasp before he can harm her anymore than a few nicks in her ears. Auds melt unto chisled poll in a stately manner. Ivories click shrewdly and she is jolted back as the steed slams into her, seeing as he thinks she is going down, she regains her footing adn darts past him. Apeendages slamming upon packed terra evenly. Bolting past him and spinning upon tattered haunches to face this filth she emits a growl and faces him, not letting him any closer-
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Ok, Rare Legacy, you are now a part of KI's herd. Live with it. -- The Doctor - As in Who..., 15:32:56 10/18/01 Thu (
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(Don't get Me Pissed Now Lil' person I happen to have a SHort temper! Lol) -- Athena, 04:17:27 10/22/01 Mon (
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