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~-Amusement-~(Oh, shut up.) -- Knight Invader, 15:41:18 10/22/01 Mon
(It's not my fault that my stupid little brother NEVER gets on the computer because he is always grounded!!! He plays the ONLY other semi-active stallion here! Maybe I should play Firestorm...)
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-smile- -- Rare Legacy, 13:22:03 10/23/01 Tue
-Dappled femms stands her ground, not frightened by this femmes 'show.' Inscissors snap at the other's shoulder as the other femme lunges at her trying to chase her off. [my, my, my, let's not powerplay, i don't run from others.] Standing silently, auds laced she watches the other femme, ahh, this one would be fun. Raven plumage snaps o'er tattered hocks idly. Audricles flutter and stand erect, watching the femora, waiting for the fight to come to her rather than initiate it. If this beast wanted to get rough, she was here waiting. A hind is cocked lazily waiting patiently for the other femme's reactions.-
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Drooling, Nah! really. -- Athena, 17:43:16 10/23/01 Tue
(Terribly Sorry seems to be quite a bad habit.) Show? Oh-my No That was not a show mearly a warning, our lead has done nothing but declared what she is, your leader.Being In front of everyone is not my hobby. Your of so says your actions is,threating a mare and her colt. Shame! Vixen Turns cranium to Broods crest Nipping softly. Behave we don't need a rebellion.
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No, we definately do NOT need one of those! -- KI, 20:49:19 10/23/01 Tue
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- silent - -- Rare Legacy, 13:02:30 10/24/01 Wed
[well, get over it, it is an obnoxious habit :)] -Auds flutter and melt unto poll as the othe nips her crest. Shifting quickly regal dial is flung t'wards the femme's neck, grasping a little piece of skin. A pig-like grunt escapes pated maw and she backs quietly I'm not here to bother your broodmare and her young, I do not care if she is the lead mare, if she threatens me, I'm not going to take it lightly. :-) As you may have ralized, you don't want a rebellion but you have one :-0. - Standing silently, appendages slightly spread she lifts regal cranium awaiting the femme. She wanted a 'fight' and now taht she had someone to fight, she no longer wanted it. Ivories are fluted and clicked irritably as she stands her ground awaiting the femme's fight. If she didn't want a rebellion she would have to fight the rebel out of her. -
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Oh... Is that Slobber? -- Athena, 15:27:23 10/24/01 Wed
(Gee Is everyone this Friendly?) Ohhhhh No come back, I Myself have develop into quite the rebllious type but it should not be drop to a "brood" and her Offsping You agree I see. She Only declared her place Above you, If that is Such a problem challange her on and Puh-lease remove me from this herd. You Know You should reallystraighten up you conversation skills. Cranium Lifts proudly. If a fight you desire You Know where I am. Fatele Trots away appendages moving slowly due to the weight of a sowlen barrel.
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oh, is that my foot in your nose? -- Rare Legacy, 15:55:30 10/24/01 Wed
- The dapple smirks slightly. - Mare, I'm not afraid of you or your crap. If you want to fight me, we'll fight but if you don't, don't complain about my 'rebellious' attitude. I never wanted to be a part of this herd. But, now that I am you have to put up with me and my attitude :) and if you want to 'straighten me out' go ahead and do it already. - Auricles flutter atop weathered cranium and snap forward as the femora walks away. Moving slowly from her spot she finds shade to stand in and graze. -
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I think it's You Head? -- Athena, 16:50:11 10/24/01 Wed
Silly Beast, I do Not Wish to Hurt your Spirit Only Help My leader when she needs it if you have a Problem come to me, I never wished to be a part of this herd either.don't complain I was mearly stating facts m'dear. Cavila Lifts and burja jogs away still at quite an aqward stride.
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Re: I think it's You[r, proper grammer m'darling] Head? -- Rare Legacy, 17:15:42 10/24/01 Wed
- Nods slightly and lowers her head auricles pinned shrewdly, she moves back to grazing contentedly.- Are you a little not there today? If she is the leader isn't it her job to defend herself? -Cardinal is rattled gently and she grazes silently -
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It's unanimous You don't listen very well. -- Athena, 20:40:18 10/24/01 Wed
. Oh My dear you Do not understand My language, OH dear is that bad, I should think so. Moonglow is a fine leader Give her time to recover from a birthing and she shall come around wait and see my dear. All things come back to haunt you. (Unanimous Lol I am sorry I just had to use that word.)
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it's obnoxious. you're bothering me :-) -- Rare Legacy, 13:08:29 10/25/01 Thu
Oh dear, I'm sorry but I do. What happened to all your fight Athena? About the dominant mare thing hmmm? Weren't you the 'rebellion' in the group? or is it too hard when no one lets you power play? - Wine coloured inscissors click and tear amsll chunks of grass contentedly. -
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(don't Get all Hissy One Me!) Whateva. -- Athena, 15:28:48 10/25/01 Thu
M'dear, I am bearing a Foal I am Not willing to fight one of your calibar
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-slows and watches the mare walk away silently..- -- RaRe LeGaCy, 17:11:55 10/25/01 Thu
-Auds flutter and she lowers her head, silently watching the other femm walk off, she might be a worthy opponent once she was ready..-
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-smile- -- Rare Legacy, 13:22:06 10/23/01 Tue
-Dappled femms stands her ground, not frightened by this femmes 'show.' Inscissors snap at the other's shoulder as the other femme lunges at her trying to chase her off. [my, my, my, let's not powerplay, i don't run from others.] Standing silently, auds laced she watches the other femme, ahh, this one would be fun. Raven plumage snaps o'er tattered hocks idly. Audricles flutter and stand erect, watching the femora, waiting for the fight to come to her rather than initiate it. If this beast wanted to get rough, she was here waiting. A hind is cocked lazily waiting patiently for the other femme's reactions.-
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the lead mare shook her head at the others... -- moonglow and dark storm, 14:18:32 10/23/01 Tue
she would not fight she was just being her aggresive self..she turned and nuzzle her colt and walked off...
the little colt looked up at the others and snorted tring to act like his mother then turns and trots up to his mother whinning
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