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Date Posted: 09:54:22 03/05/02 Tue
Author: Julia
Subject: should the Lost World finish after series 3?

After reading what people have put on here about David Orth and Jennifer O'dell leaving the show and also a possibility of Will Snow leaving as well I think that the show should stop at the end of this series.

I have watched various shows in which actors have left and been replaced by others who portray the character in a completely diffenent way making the show rubish. Will Snow and the others have done a very good portrayal of their character and someone else wouldn't be as good.

Another point if Veronica and Malone are written out that leaves a perminant group of three which will not work as well. If this is the way series three is heading then the producers should end this series with the final episode. I think the best way to do this would be to have the main characters finally make it off the plato and back to London where Roxton and Margueritte could possibly get married and Challenger could tell the world what has happened or do as the BBC did and say it was all a hoax.

If the producers wanted to leave the series at thisn point I think that it wouold stop the show from becomming too stale and not enjoyable to long time fans of the show like me. I think that the way I have specified would be the best way to end the show adn as a fginal scene the surviving characters meeting up after a month has passed and deciding to return this would give the producers chance to make another series if they wanted with a variety of new characters in it.

Don't take this a criticism of the show although it is to some extent it does happen to be the best one I watch. Can you please give me your thoughts on the matter

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