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Date Posted: 20:42:33 03/31/02 Sun
Author: TOM
Subject: Re: Excuse me *waves hand in the air to get attention*
In reply to: Riel 's message, "Excuse me *waves hand in the air to get attention*" on 19:07:34 03/25/02 Mon

>Hi, remember me? I'm lost. Recap: I haven't been able
>to watch the show for the past two months. What
>happened to Veronica and Malone? Who is this new
>person? and What was Margurite's big secret? Please!

Well I'll see if I can help you.

Malone-he is supposely on quest to find out what he really wants to in life. In real life there two versions I heard on why he's not on the show.
1) a Tax problem with Australian taxation department.

2) a union thing something to do with the amount of unionised works or somethin like that.
Not sure if any of these is correct, but thats what I heard.

Veronica-is supposely on quest to try to find her parents and to learn more about a sysmbol she found with the group and is there conextion between this sysmbol and her parents. In real life from my understanding from what I heard from other sources that she had other commitments she had commited to.

Finn- Is from the future in the year 2033 in NEW AMAZON.She came back with the group in and is apparently on the show for now.It should be noted she played twins(not sure if really does have a twin sister or not) in the episode called AMAZONS from the I believe first or second season.

Marigaret Secret- Apparently she doesn't know who her real parents are as that piece of paper was her birth certicect.The madelin she had was to trade for her birth certicect and thats why she went with group to the amazon to find the other have of the madelin.

Now do I see a conecting story line here.ie- Marigaret & Veronica may be sisters. Veronica's parents gave up Marigaret when is was a baby.

I hope this helps you out Riel.


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