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Date Posted: 09:30:00 04/08/02 Mon
Author: pat
Subject: the lost world

karen how goes it.. I hope all is well with you. Great website. I dont watch much tv. I enjoy TLW show, I mostly tape it It is on tv every day monday to fri. 7 to 8 am in pitts. pa. area. I enjoy unwinding at the end of day watching the band of explores in there ballon in there lost world struggle for survival. I kinda reminds me of gilligan island or lost in space, when i was a kid. the band of castaways strugle and how they helped each outher in everday battle for life. I takey oneselfs cares and worries ans stress in onselfs life for a break in our own world for awhile. The only thing i enjoy more then watching TLW. Is riding my sportster on a windding strech of road , or strapping a saddle on my horse., named timber for a ride in the hills and woods of pa. I hope they put it on dvd so I can watch it in the future. I hope the lost world ban of adventures stay lost for a long time in tv. land. Good luck to all the cast and crew and producers of the TLW...God Bless and take care Pat

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