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Date Posted: 18:08:12 04/08/02 Mon
Author: Iain
Subject: Re: lost world in Australia
In reply to: sam 's message, "Re: lost world in Australia" on 05:39:06 03/18/02 Mon

You won't believe this-have talked to the Channel Ten programmers WHO STILL HAVE RIGHTS TO THE SHOW but REFUSE to show it. I thought I was doing well lobbying the ABC to get it only to find that it is the BRITISH version with Peter Falk! I have started the ball rolling by faxing them and we need a whole lot of complainants to do the same. I have also posted on web forums and Stripe has replied saying that he wanted a show -Andromeda from memory and went to the trouble of getting over 1000 signatures on a petition and was still knocked back. Just a word of warning-it will not likely be on now until after Big Brother, because like with blockbuster video, cinema and even novel (re Terry Brooks third instalment of his trilogy due for October Australian release even though it has alredy been written) releases they all work on the basis of being shown when there is no competition ie the non-ratings period. Ever wonder why that's when the series was shown here last year? I wouldn't mind betting it WILL be shown again this year-also in the non-ratings summer period. Maybe we should conduct a poll for those viewers who have actually seen episodes of the Australian series as to whether it is better than Big Brother or not. Then send thes programmers the results-they might be pleasantly surprised/"horrified" at the results. Then again I write to politicians seeking change when 94% of the population doesn't! For those who are interested the Federal Assistant Treasurer stated "The Government does not believe that it is desirable to regulate the level of bank fees and charges..." hence overnight April Fool's Day increases of 200%. Thank God I didn't vote for them, but let's all pray that when they get turfed out of office they can't access their DECLINING super rates until they turn 70. Even that would then upset the PM who promised not to be a Part-Time one-Oh Yeah!

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  • Re: lost world in Australia (still hoping) -- Iain, 22:45:47 06/07/02 Fri

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