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Date Posted: 23:23:42 04/20/02 Sat
Author: Iain
Subject: Re: lost world movie 1999
In reply to: kelly 's message, "lost world movie 1999" on 14:17:56 11/28/01 Wed

For US$7.99 plus US$13.99 for those in Europe (cheaper elsewhere) VCD edition is available at www.getvcds.com/series_lost_world.shtml. If you buy three SEASON 1 CURRENTLY-double episodes (when filling in form only type in the three you want to purchase and the fourth in the "Other Notesand Instructions" section) the fourth is free and with the same shipping charge for all, means you can secure each for around $16 Australian. For further info on VCD's, which are worldwide compatible and set to replace DVD's, see my spiel at www.xenite.org under the section "The wait for Aussie viewers is almost over" I have no idea how much of the stock they have left but "the early bird catches the worm" so to speak. For those who are purchasing a DVD or thinking of such make sure you get one with a Multi-Region capacity which comes at no extra cost. Samsung have this feature and an extended warranty is well worth the extra outlay (up to 5 years, some have seven-at least this is available in Australia, I don't know about elsewhere) VCD's only have the same content-timewise as an audio CD which I take it is about their only weakness. Happy shopping!

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