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Date Posted: 10:23:45 04/23/02 Tue
Author: Jane
Subject: Re: To Julia
In reply to: Julia 's message, "Re: To Sam (continued)" on 08:37:05 04/23/02 Tue

There is a Will Snow interview in issue 67 of Xpose magazine.(I've got it jpegged if anyone wants it) He makes no mention of leaving the show,in fact he talks about how his character will develop in season 4.Hope that sets your mind at rest.Oh and you're right.He is cute!
I'm not sure that Ned and Veronica are actually leaving the show.I know there was some weird tax problem that stops non Australian actors from being in more than a certain number of episodes per season.I read somewhere that David Orth hoped that by moving to Australia he would be able to overcome this problem.Can't say that I've heard of Jennifer doing the same though.
The only other cast member who has left is Michael Sinelnikoff who played Professor Summerlee.He was shot in the stomach with an arrow and fell over the edge of a cliff.He is presumed dead/missing.

>>Oops....sorry.....what were my fingers thinking. :)
>>It's the fourth season right?!
>Umm as far as I know we are still on the third series
>and I am only aware of JOD and DO leaving, nothing
>about Will Snow who to be frank is seriously cute. Can
>sumone please clear up whether or not he leaves as
>everyone says sumthing different. I still think that
>the series should end after series three as although
>the quality pf the episodes seems to be higher Ice Age
>excluded all the characters are leaving and if they
>replace Malone, Veronica and Roxton with differnt
>people it is not going to work at all as everyone
>plays characters in different ways and it wrecks the
>continuity (big word) of the show.
>Wot do you think?

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