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Date Posted: 13:17:46 05/06/02 Mon
Author: Tara
Subject: Re: Fourth Season has now been AXED
In reply to: Iain 's message, "Fourth Season has now been AXED" on 00:00:30 05/06/02 Mon

>Shows you where fighting the bureaucracy gets you in
>this country. Have just received an E-mail from Dave
>Newnham (associated with the production of the series)
>and he has stated that the word from the studios is
>that the fourth season will NOT be going ahead. I
>guess after the farce in only employing non-Australian
>actors for a limited number of episodes in the last
>season, this news is not the least bit surprising.
>However it will probably be more devastating for the
>actors/actresses involved and perhaps this country
>itself. He is of the opinion that Australian viewers
>will not be able to see Seasons Two and Three either.
>I guess now is the time to perhaps give Oh! on Optus a
>hoy to see what's doing there. I was told in an E-mail
>reply from the editor of the monthly magazine to do
>this, however, I have not been able to find their web
>address and it is not listed in their magazine. Any

Ok where the hell did you get your information?? Or did you just make it up, drop a few names in and use some big words and 'in speak' to make it look real. I dont know who you are but we DO NOT appreciate lying rumour starters!!!

As to the truth...he's it from the producers themselves...

J&G from the offical message boards:-

We just got word that the first "TLW has been Axed!" rumor of the summer has begun, apparently started by a post over on the Xenite board.
For the record, TLW's Fourth Season has NOT been axed. Here's the reply we just posted on Xenite -- please feel free to e-mail and repost wherever you feel there might be interest.


We're the Executive Creative Consultants for TLW, and post regular news updates about the show on the New Line board which we're happy to see reposted here. A friend told us about the "Fourth Series Axed" thread that has just started on Xenite, so we're responding right away to definitively say that the Fourth Series of TLW has not been axed, and is in no danger of being axed.

As we have been reporting each week, in January, 2002, TLW was renewed for a fourth season by its US broadcaster, New Line. On April 18, 2002, Daily Variety reported that the Australian Government approved a tax-credit structure for the show's production and that the fourth series was "due to roll in July."

Since the New Line renewal (which was announced earlier than expected because of TLW's strong ratings in major U.S. broadcast markets), everyone involved with TLW has been working toward July, 2002, as the start month for Series Four production. The only thing missing is an official announcement of the exact start date, which will come after the final business details have been confirmed. Unlike last year, when the financial troubles of Telescene put the series in jeopardy until the last minute, there are no apparent roadbumps ahead -- each stage in the planning for the fourth season has been achieved as anticipated, and there is no reason to think that the remaining stages will present any surprises.

The rumor that began in the Xenite thread might have arisen from one of two possible developments.

A) It's possible the Australian broadcaster that ran Series One episodes around Christmas has decided not to pick up the other seasons -- in other words, the show might have been "axed" only on the Australian channel. We have no information about the Australian broadcast plans.

B) It's possible that Season Four production will not be based at the Warner Movie World lot, but will move to another Queensland production facility -- in other words, someone might have misinterpreted the possibility that TLW might no longer be made at Movie World to mean that the series would no longer be made at all. This move, if it happens, means only that the staff will work out of a different office, and that the Treehouse interior set (which was taken down at the end of Series Three production) will be rebuilt in a different sound stage. The move will have no effect on TLW exterior locations, such as the base of the Treehouse and the Windmill.

On a personal note, we met with Executive Producer Guy Mullally on Friday, May 3, to review the completed broadcast tape of Episode 322, and to continue the Story Department's ongoing plans for Series Four.

To repeat, plans for Series Four of TLW are proceeding exactly as expected, with July, 2002, as the projected start of production. The series has not been axed.

Thanks for your interest. Please feel free to repost this note anywhere, and watch for more Treehouse News updates here and on the New Line board.

Best wishes,

Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens

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