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Date Posted: 18:08:08 05/06/02 Mon
Author: Tom
Subject: Latest episode

I'm not sure if everyone saw the latest episode, in which Veronica finally finds out who she really is,where she comes from,who her parents where especially her mother.

I not sure how this will be played out for the rest of the season(not even sure how many episodes are left in season 3)and into season 4.

To be honest I never expect the producers/writers/creators of the show to go this way.It opens up many possiblities. From what I saw in the episode, if I'm to understand it correctly:

1) Veronica was born on the Plateau.

2) Her mother was born on the Plateau(abit cheap having Veronica play her mother! They should used someone else)as her mother before, and her mother before and so on.

3) Her mother is the protector of the plateau(not sure what the amazons have to do with this, but something tells me we'll find out in future episodes)and comes from a place called ABBALON(though they have really said where this place is)

4) It appears that it is now Veronica's turn to become protector of the plateau.

5) She now knows her father is dead(supposely, though something tells me there may be a twist in that part of the story,as in he's still alive in ABBALON with Veronica's mother, even though he was supposely killed by that warrior.)

Yes the story has turn into some strange ventures, what will become of it? Who knows? But here are few obverations:

1) Veronica is the new protector.

2) In time they'll have to be a new "Protector OF THE PLATEAU" wich means Veronica will have to have a baby, not necessarily have to be married(TIMES ARE NOW DIFFERENT TO THAT ASPECT.) And this is where I see Malone come it the picture? Just like Veronica's father decided to stay and marrie her mother and live in the plateau, thats the way I see Malone & Veronica turning out.(even though Veronica said she didn't love him that short of way, I think she does love him in that knd of way.)

3) I see the whole group never leaving the plateau. They way the shows actors have been tided to one another there's a reason for everyone being there.)

So what do others think may happen?


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