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Date Posted: 17:45:29 10/07/02 Mon
Author: Roger
Subject: Re: TLW episodes in the States

Tom, tv viewing here in the States can sometimes be
complicated. With the exception of educational tv (PBS),
there are 2 main types of programming: syndicated (such
as Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, TLW, etc.) and network
programming (original programming ran by the networks of
ABC, CBS, NBC & the mini nets of UPN & WB--same as your own
Each network has primary affiliate stations that run their
original programming at certain hours throughout the week.
This can run the gamut of each net's daytime soaps, their
evening Prime Time 8:00-11:00 p.m. shows, or their sports
programs on the weekend.
After each net's original programming is done for any
particular day, then that station is free to fill the
remaining airtime with whatever they want. That can run
the gamut of anything from "Lassie" reruns to infomercials,
or more popularly, to syndicated shows such as TLW. And
they can be ran any hour of the day or night. Usually
when the station thinks they can pull more advertising
dollars in for any particular type of show.
My guess is that you were watching a tv station that was
a WB primary affiliate, because they had their station
logo in the right lower corner of the tv screen (here in
America all--and I mean all-stations put their logos on the
screen at all times because they realize that we viewers
are too stupid to know what station we are watching unless
they constantly remind us!). But this does not mean that
TLW is a WB program. It is merely a syndicated program
ran on a WB affiliate station during non-network broadcasting hours. Such stations would probably be airing
the currently ended Season 3.
Alternately, although I rarely watch TNT, I understand they
have been airing the 1st 2 seasons of TLW, and may soon
begin airing Season 3.
To summarize, in the States, a syndicated tv program such
as TLW, Andromeda, Mutant X, Wheel of Fortune, etc. can be ran on any tv station during non-network hours as long as
that station signs the papers with the company that produces or sydicates the program.
Hopefully this will clear up some of the confusion for you
about tv in the States. As a further note, I have heard
that the so-called Season 4 of TLW will be only reruns of
the best episodes from Seasons 1-3.

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