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Date Posted: 16:58:05 01/25/03 Sat
Author: chris rickert
Subject: Re: One of you!
In reply to: Leanne 's message, "One of you!" on 18:50:35 09/21/02 Sat

>I am so glad to have found people who love this show
>as much as I do. I actually found the show at 2:00 am
>about a year or so ago on cable. I was visiting my
>sister and couldn't sleep. I just happened upon an
>episode the next Saturday at home and realized how
>lucky I had been to see the pilot and realize there
>was a show too. Since then I have tried to catch it
>whenever I could. I happened to luck out and turn the
>tv on a few weeks ago before work and saw that they
>were showing it on TNT in the mornings. I record it
>every morning now. I have started trying to record
>the new episodes on Saturdays on WGN but they keep
>changing the time. Earlier today, they didn't even
>have it on. Very frustrating. I am not sure about
>Finn yet. I definitely prefer Veronica. But I would
>rather have Finn than no show at all so I won't
>complain too much. I do wish Finn could find some
>better clothes. Marguerite has been there years and
>always manages to look classy. Veronica wore skins and
>looked nice. Finn needs to kill something with her
>crossbow or whatever it is and put it on. Maybe the
>Trogs could "donate" something. Well just glad to know
>there are more like me. I don't want this show
>cancelled so I will try to keep informed and if I find
>out they are trying to cancel it tell me where to
>write or call and I will do my part to bully whomever
>to keep it from happening. Thanks!
Hello! My name is chris, and I just had to tell you how much I enjoyed your letter to the site.....it's great to see someone in love with the show almost as much as me! I have them all on video, so if you ever need any, let me know...

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