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Date Posted: 12:50:46 03/01/02 Fri
Author: Athena
Subject: Re: Saw the show today, and was wondering
In reply to: TOM 's message, "Re: Saw the show today, and was wondering" on 08:58:08 02/24/02 Sun

Hey guys, just to calm your fears, I heard that due to the show being Australian/American and David Orth being a Canadian, he can only participate in 7 shows this season. And Jennifer O'Dell is supposed to be having some time off to travel, visit family, or pursue some other projects. I got all this stuff from other websites, so I'm not sure how accurate it is, but I'm confident that Veronica and Malone will be back. And I think this new girl is just to add more to the story for now, as they only have 3 characters.

>I saw the show as well. It appears she(new person) is
>going to be in next week episode at least.
>Now I'm not sure if she will be replacing Jennifer
>O'Dell or not. Or if Malone will be returning. First
>you had Malone missing, then he comes back for a few
>episodes, then he gone again supposely on quest to
>find what he really whats to do in life. Then you have
>Veronica missing for 2 or so episodes returns, then
>goes off to find more about her parents and the
>artifact they found in the episode about Margiret's
>Then you have this new person appear on the show. Is
>just me or does it seem that we may not see Veronica
>or Malone again on THE LOST WORLD. I hope not, because
>I've seen this done before with other shows and they
>end going fom great to the pits. Perfect example
>But TV shows can be very tricky, they may want you to
>think that Veronica & Malone are gone for good, but
>all of suddenly they come back. But if for some reason
>they don't(not sure on this as I'm have no info to
>verify this)come back because the writes or person(s)
>doing the showing decide to "Write Them Out Of The
>Story Line"(considering that either David ORTH or
>Jennifer O'Dell didn't want to do the show anymore) I
>won't watch the show anymore and also write to the
>person(s) in charge of the show in protest.

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