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Date Posted: 14:31:38 11/17/02 Sun
Author: bill deshong
Subject: NITRO passed friday morn .

my dog nitro died friday morning . he was going to be 9 in january . he was my best friend , my companion , my pet soul mate , my only family and my everything . together we battled epilepsy for the last 6 years . he took meds daily and sometimes had to spend days at a time at the vet under sedation to control siezures . we did everything together and every decision i made was based on him in some way . we could feel each others pains with a stare and comfort each other just the same .
thursday he began not keeping his food down and his meds as well . about midnight he was at the vet and going under sedation to control the siezures brought on by the meds not staying in him . around 1am i held him and assured him that though i had to go home i would have a warm bed waiting for him when he got home the next day . a kiss and i walked away . at 554am i got a call that we went into cardiac arrest . at 558 he was gone . i couldnt speak . then i layed down and screamed . for 2 days i couldnt talk . i had to pick out and urn and i visited him . he was cold and lifeless and i cryed uncontrolably . i brushed him for awhile and told him how much i missed him and that ill never forget him for my whole life . i would trade years of my life for minutes more with him....
his bedroom is locked now and i cant open it . everyone tells me to get another dog right away but i cant even look at another dog right now . i cant stop thinking about him . everywhere i look , everything i do . i see him . he was a huge part of me and now im a shell of a man . my soul feels empty .

here is a link to a picture of nitro and i . thank you for listening...


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