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Date Posted: 15:04:22 07/07/02 Sun
Author: Lydia
Subject: begin
In reply to: Kyo 's message, "Verywell" on 12:50:41 07/07/02 Sun

she takes a deep breath and begins,"I grew up in a small village called Candlewick.Our small village was a part of many others within the area.This great area was called Duemont.Ruling Duemont was a king and queen.The had only one child.A son.We are about the same age.He is only a year older than I am.One day when I was fifteen we recieved a message from the King of Springdale that he was declaring war on us because he wanted our land.Ours was more plentiful in resources and on better ground.As peaceful as we were we only had a small army while King Jacques(the king of Sringdale)had a huge one.He had defeated other small kingdoms but we had never heard about it.A week later his army arrived.Ours fought gallantly but we were destined to lose.Many of my people were killed including my mother,father,and my little brother.My two other sisters still live in Duemont.Anyway,our king and queen was killed but Prince Jacob escaped.We who are still loyal to our lost king and queen are hiding him.He dresses as a commoner.Now King Jacques knew that there would be many left that were still loyal to our lost king and queen so every person that is even suspected of still defying him is tortured unmercifully until his death.Now my village and the surrounding ones are very poor and in bad health.King Jacques is a cruel glutton who cares nothing for the people.Our village has had to live in fear for nearly two years.But now Prince Jacob is old enough to take the throne but he cannot do so without the death of King Jacques.Those people who are still loyal including myself have been planning for a long time.Several of these people work for King Jacques as chambermaids and servants.What we are planning is for one of these servants to poisen the king's food or drink or hide a dagger in an article of food or clothing.should the king catch wind of this or find out who plan to do this then all of my people will die a most horrible death.If this does happen then we have organized an army to try and defeat him once and for all.I myself is a part of this army.Timing is everything because King Jacques will not hesitate to send his army out and kills us as soon as he might find out.We must do it while he is unsuspecting or very very quickly.Should war start up again then a message will be sent to me by flight of the swiftest bird.I own the old king's horse.My king.Her name is Old Abigail.I knew her to be his favorite and I rescued her just before they set the stables afire.She and I have been through a lot these past few years.I would consider it an honor to ride her through war but she is too old now and slow which is the reason I went to get a new horse at the Marketplace.So now I've told you everything and now you must promise not to let a word of it touch your lips for if you do then we will all die.We from Candlewick."

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