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Date Posted: 08:40:57 01/21/05 Fri
Author: Fate
Subject: OOC: I usually request that you describe clearly how you are hiding, but for now I'll let you have it. Goodness knows I've been slacking a bit lately. BIC: The hunter doesn't react to the voice, assuming that someone who speaks that loudly couldn't possibly be trying to sneak up. After Chafter poses his question, the hunter sighs, wiping his forehead and rising. Brushing himself off, he gets a good look at Chafter. He gives a quick glance, and sighs once again, "Look kid, you might have mistaken me for someone else. I couldn't possibly know...you..." he stares at your face, paling slightly. "I think," he speaks softly, "you'd better tell me what you know." OOC: Chafter, please take a look inside.
In reply to: chaftar 's message, "Chaftar followed the tracks, keeping low underneath the bush. chaftar wasn't the most skilled tracker but whoever he was following hadn't done a good job. yet he kept his eyes open for side tracks. this main trail could easily be turn into a diversion." on 21:49:25 01/06/05 Thu

I have a past in mind, but I can't contradict your character's own past. Well actually, I can contradict you. (That's a nice bonus of being Fate) I just don't want to. I really, really would rather go along with anything you've got in mind.

Just tell the hunter what you do know of your past, and if you REALLY want to make my life easier, imply or guess who you think he is. He isn't very fleshed, so he's flexible.

Or, you could not say anything and make me get creative.

You'd better hope I'm in a good mood when I get creative. Heh.

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