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Date Posted: 16:46:00 01/31/05 Mon
Author: Lialye
Subject: Lialye grimaces uncomfortably and shifts her feet as she casts a long look down - up? - at them (her feet, that is). How awkward...though admittedly much better than before, it's still absolutely bizarre....
In reply to: Fate 's message, "OOC: Oooogh. Sorry 'bout this "uncharacteristic" waiting time. I've had a pretty bad case of the flu. BIC: Guide shakes her mane, 'I can't call them one right after another. That's all I meant. I need a short resting time...' she looks at the humans and sighs, 'Hold on. I think I can at least make it more comfortable.' she raises her head and howls for a long while. As her voice echoes, the landscape shifts once more. Now everyone sits on the same floor, and the horizon is the correct shape. The grass is all on the same level. The clouds are all on the same level. Everything is still shades of grey, but at least now it seems more organized. The only problem is that you are all now upside-down. Clouds drift past your feet and the grass now looks like the sky. Guide stops howling and quickly advises, 'I don't think any of you should like to look down...I understand that it can be uncomfortable to see that you are not standing on anything at all.'" on 11:33:03 01/29/05 Sat

That's it. It's over, as of last Friday. Saturday, if you count the cast party. My life is over. I now have nothing more to live for....

...I would have finished my hair by now, and have been grabbing a bite to eat before putting on my stage make-up and rushing off to perform...but alas, no more....

"I remember days..."

"And what shall we do, boys, when the world turns upside-down?"
"Play cricket?" (...or RP games, anyway...)

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  • OOC: Welcome back Lia. BIC: Kia held her head up trying not to look down "So what now?" (NT) -- Kia, 06:39:54 02/01/05 Tue
  • Guide shakes her head wearily, 'Now I rest. I can keep the world like this, but if I try to flip it, I'll be exhausted. I'm afraid I must sleep for a short time, then I will make this mistake up to you. Please, is there anyway you can occupy each other's time for a while?' Guide waits for a response for a moment, but even as she was communing, her head was drooping into her paws. Within seconds, she was asleep. OOC: The rest of Second Watch is intended as a 'Getting to know you' section for you guys, so that you know what the others are like, and what they can do. Sorry if it is a let down. (NT) -- Fate, 12:30:09 02/02/05 Wed
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