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Date Posted: 07:37:21 02/04/05 Fri
Author: Ario.
Subject: Ario grew tired of bounding around and curled up on, what was to him, the ground. As the humans couldn't understand him he lay still and listened.
In reply to: Terra Yumakami 's message, "OOC: Like this, I guess...If you take the bait. If not, we can just...be blunt, I guess. BIC: "Have any of you met Lunae before? I haven't seen her in a long time, and I've been wondering what she's been up to." Terra sits perfectly straight, and her natural position makes her look ready for a fight. She stares down occasionally, trying to adapt to the sight. She murmurs as she glances, "We've been through a lot together, but I don't know a thing about where she's been after we got seperated."" on 15:06:57 02/03/05 Thu

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  • OOC: Oh, no. Did this thread die? No one, but no one, has posted on any of the other sections either. Geez...I wanna finish the Swamp, not let it die. BIC: "Well, all right then. She said that we should know each other, and I agree. It's good to know who I can rely on in combat. Kia, why don't we spar or something?" Terra stands up, and brushes herself off. She was a very skilled martial artist, and was aching for a chance to practice a little. (NT) -- Terra Yumakami, 19:05:19 02/07/05 Mon
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