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Date Posted: 21:08:12 02/04/05 Fri
Author: Fate
Subject: OOC: Kraven has a pretty deep voice. They'd probably be able to catch what he's saying, if not your replies. I'd been assuming that they were hiding nearby...but then I suppose we'd detect them, huh? Well, here's part 2. There's 3 parts altogether, but I just divided it so it'd be a bit easier to read.
In reply to: chaftar 's message, "OOC: so... what are you guys eavesdroping from across the clearing? cause it probably is hard to hear that far cause were not talking loudly?" on 08:08:15 02/04/05 Fri


"Of course, I didn't know that at the time. You weren't even born at the time, so how could anyone know? I took the job. I set sail for Carnerik that very day. It took me a while," he winces slightly at the memory, "I'm not very good at sailing, I discovered. It wasn't a pleasant journey, and I found myself washed up on shore with no boat by the end of it. I felt grateful to still have all my limbs. I managed to get past the caves and into the forest without being noticed, so I got to know my way around these woods. I even built a home inside a tree in case I needed to retreat." he glares back towards his tree (and seems to stare directly at the two hidden observers) and speaks sharply, "I /thought/ it was well hidden. It hadn't been disturbed until today. But I'm not here to talk about myself.

"After making an escape route, I headed over the mountains. I don't know how I did it, but I managed to avoid any encounter with the dragons. Every time I heard just a snort I would drop what I was doing and flee, thinking it'd be quicker. For this I am grateful. I would've tried to fight any dragons I actually encountered, and I know now that fighting would be suicide. Once over the mountain trails (and I'd just like to say that the blasted trail took a good week of painful, horrible effort. But we're /still/ not here to talk about the details in my journey...) I found the village where the cult was staying fairly quickly. My first meeting with any of the people was at the well.

"By the time I had reached that well, I was dying of thirst. I was not well provided for the trip in the first place, and after running away so many times when I was halfway through eating, I'd grown rather tired and hungry. I had fallen deathly ill, and suffered from a severe fever. I was too weak to even pull my own water. I just sat there, leaning against the well, hoping like mad that I would either die or be found by someone who would not try to make me die slowly. I was indeed found in the end, by a beautiful woman. She saw me and took pity. She fetched water, and then ran home to bring me fresh bread and some dried meat. I think I was like a pet to her. She took me home and fed me, tending to my wounds and ails, all the while talking to me. I knew she was married, and I had met her husband. They lived with no children, although she looked about ready to have a baby of her own. Their home was in the center of the village. And for a while that was all I knew of them. Well, that and their names. He was Zalaros, and she...she was Aria. She was truly sympathetic towards me, and was so gentle..." he blushed furiously, glaring at Chaftar, daring him to laugh, "I think I fell in love with her. I knew she was married, and I didn't care. In my mind, I just wanted her to be happy."

He looks at Chaftar again, "Ah, but you are wondering what this has to do with you. I'm sorry. I really am trying not to ramble, but this brings back so many memories." He smiles, "After a few more days I was able to wander the village freely. I tried to discreetly learn everything I could, but for some reason I could not find the village leader. After about a week everyone knew who I was, and I was called ‘Good ol' Kraven.' I was accepted. I knew I had to do my duty soon, or I would not want to leave. Some of their crazier principles were still frightening me though, so I knew I could never stay there comfortably. Finally, about three weeks after first arriving, there was a big ceremony. I finally saw who the leader was. I wanted to die."

Kraven rubs his forehead, "It was Zalaros. I had actually had the nerve to fall in love with the leader's wife! But now I didn't know what to do. I couldn't see her suffer, and have her know it was me. I spent days wandering the outskirts, desperately trying to think of what to do. Assassin rules dictate that if I had any doubts, or if there were any witnesses, they had to be exhumed. If the target was married, it is standard to exhume the spouse as well. But that was out of the question, and I ruled it out immediately. I spent grueling hours trying to plot out what I would do, and all the while I slept under the same roof as that man.

"Then, a few days later, Aria answered my problem for me. She came to me one day and asked, right out of the blue, ‘Are you here to kill my husband?' I laughed and denied it as I had been trained to do. She looked disappointed, then turned to me again, ‘I had heard that someone was coming to kill him. I know he is my husband, but...he's gone mad. He yells when others aren't around, and his ideas...he frightens me. I had thought...never mind. Forget it.' She looked so desperate."

OOC: Look, I know that sounds absurd. I am familiar with the idea of "A wife will stand at her husband's side no matter what!" You know what I say to that? I say that this /almost/ makes perfect sense, and it's a really fast and simple way of explaining why things happened the way they did. Now hush.


Kraven opens his arms wide, "It was like a dream come true. I told her everything about who I was, and what was really going on. I trusted her completely. In the end, we decided to leave that night. We'd travel to the forest and live at Carnerik, safe and sound. It was perfect. She went away to pack immediately. I started getting ready to get this all over and done with.

"The actual assassination was no big deal. I drugged him and got him in his sleep. Aria and I were out of the village and nearly at the mountain's peak before sunset. We started to make camp...When..." Kraven pales, "When I finally had an encounter with a dark dragon.

"It came across us by accident, I think, but once it saw us it attacked. I got Aria hidden safely, then tried to scare the dragon off. Like a total fool I had left most of my gear back at the village." Kraven rolls up his right sleeve and shows a deep black scar, "That was how I got this. I don't know how I did it, but I made that dragon leave. Unfortunately...I think the stress was too much on your mother. She had a really hard time after that, and just before we hit the forest..." Kraven grins, "She went into labor. This is where you come in, Chaftar. Or out, as the case may be."

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