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Date Posted: 19:59:07 02/07/05 Mon
Author: Fate
Subject: Oh, alright. I'm terribly impatient, believe it or not, and the story is sitting right in front of me. Here's the ending. I hope you don't hate it Chaftar. If ya do, then all I can say is, "Well, it's your fault for making me think one up. You don't want to know some of the ideas I sifted through to come up with this."
In reply to: Fate's Player 's message, "Y'all are gonna hate me. Part 3 is VERY anti-climatic, and tells very little story. Ha ha ha! I'm gonna read through it once or twice before posting. I plan to finish it tomorrow, yo. Ha hee ho ho!" on 19:11:00 02/07/05 Mon

(Part 3)

"I tried to get help...But it wasn't much use. You survived, and your mother did not. I kept you alive somehow, and managed to get you to Carnerik, where they kept you alive. They didn't much care for me, though, so I didn't stay long. I took care of a few things then spent the better part of three years living in that tree I had built. About that time I ran into a local hunter, and we became friends. He showed me a few tricks, and brought me some news. Apparently, the Council had lost a great deal of patience for you. Because you weren't a native to their colonies, they were a bit more forgiving at first, but you were a rascal and a half. No one could control you, and threats didn't work. At three years old you had managed to spoil a year's worth of precious supplies, trashed half of the residential caves, and single-handedly eaten a very valuable gem in under 10 seconds when your care-taker had looked away." Kraven looks Chaftar up and down in wonder and amazement, "I really don't know how you pulled that last one off. That ruby was the size of my fist." To demonstrate, he tightens his hand into a rather large fist.

"Anyway, I started to feel bad for these poor folks, and since you were...a bit of a token of my own past, I offered to take you home with me. I've never seen any men agree to a suspicious plan that fast, but the Council did. I was even given a boat and a full larder to help my journey."

Kraven claps his hands, "And that's it for you and Carnerik. I took you back to my home town, Sadilra, where you grew up. I discovered that I had no idea how to deal with children, so I handed you over to the first guild I could think of, and that was my own Assassin's Guild. That way I could continue my work knowing you were safe nearby, and you were busy and happy with other children just as wild as you.

"After about a year of this, when you were about 4, the guild realized that you were a bit...unique. You could sneak down hallways and surprise senior students; assassins who were able to get into heavily guarded palaces unnoticed were being startled by a young brat. You instinctively knew how to use a knife, and had to be searched daily to see if you were smuggling any. You had to be searched twice, usually, as you hid some of them ridiculously well. You could've been a thief, had I thought of it. Knowledge of your talents were brought to the head of the guild, and with my consent, you were jumped ahead to learn the basics of...of assassination."

Kraven can't look Chaftar in the eye. He mutters the next part, "You're hardly normal now, I suppose. That's no way for a kid to learn his ABC's. You aren't supposed to think ‘A is for Apple, B is for Blood...' It ruined any chance you had at normalcy. On the plus side, you were a really good assassin. At age 14 you could've challenged most of the graduate students, kids ranging in age from 21 to 35. Of course, I could still take you down on occasion, thank goodness. If no one ever stopped you, you might have rebelled and gone completely wild. But you actually matured a lot as a teen. You were a good kid. Friendly, polite, and patient, and you took time out for other people. Watching you accept your next mission was like watching you put on a mask. You became cold, and ruthless. It was terrifying, sometimes."

Kraven shrugs and looks up again, "That's what I didn't want to say. Some hunter puts your life in my hands, and I make you a hardened killer. I still regret it...I could have made you a nice, simple baker! There was a really good shop down the street! But no, I just had to have people teach you that humans are expendable."

After a few moments of silence, it appears that the story is over. Kraven certainly appears to have finished. After that pause he looks confused, "Wait..." he looks at Chaftar, "You should remember what I've told you. Nothing in your past could lead to severe amnesia. Something must've happened that I don't know about. Last I checked...Well, the last time I saw you was when you were 22. We decided to go on a bit of a vacation together. You weren't like a son to me, but we were good friends. Besides, ever since you were 19 or so you were going from one mission to the next without a break. We decided to have some ‘quality time.' We set sail for a small pocket of islands to the far west of here. It was going to be like a survival mission. We planned a route that wouldn't let us be on the sea for longer than 3 or 4 days at most. Then we packed food for exactly that number of days. Secretly I brought along an extra day's water and food, and I think you did the same. We were adventurous, but we weren't dumb. Anyway, we planned to make our own way using nothing but our skill and our wits. We didn't even bring the map with us, electing to rely on memory. We only brought the essentials of weaponry. Oh, and I take that back. We were downright stupid. We had lots of fun, island-hopping and hunting our way across the sea. But somewhere in the second week we had a storm hit our ship. I was on watch, and you were asleep. I guess one of the waves hit the boat too hard, since when I ran below and tried to wake you, you were out cold on the floor. You must've hit your head..."

Kraven stops. He thinks for a moment, "No, that couldn't be how you got amnesia. It really could not be. You don't remember that far back, do ya?" He waves a hand, "Think about it, but lemme finish. I've been talkin' for so long I really need a drink, but I'm almost done. The storm rolled our ship, and we were stuck. /Once again/ I proved that I was no sailor, and while you probably could have been of some use, you weren't able to help me. When I was tossed, I held onto you for as long as I could, but the waves separated us. I swam long and hard looking for you. In the end, I just picked a direction and went for it. I was picked up by a White Dragon patrol, and nursed again. Then I grabbed a boat and went sailing. I couldn't find you, so I returned to Carnerik. I went back to my tree, fully intending to return to Sadilra soon and try to recover, but I guess I never did...So there ya have it, kid. I have no idea what you've been doing for the past four years, but you seem to be more skilled at...larger weapons..." Kraven finally stops, reaches for his hip flask, and takes a huge swig. After setting back into his belt he lets out a huge sigh, "Whoo! That was a long story, and I reckon most of it was really about me. Sorry, I do tend to ramble. All well, at least it's over." He then takes on a huge grin, "I found ya! Boy, you look a lil' different than how I remember. I wish I knew what you've been up to lately!"

OOC: And for the record, I was originally going to make it a murder mystery, where Kraven was a butler for a rich weathly man that you were related to somehow, and everyone thought that you did it, and you had to find clues to prove innocence. I suppose that would be fun in some ways, at least it would give you something to do after this...

But then my friend said, "Make him an assassin." so I did.

Now that I think about it, I wish I'd given you some sort of quest to do, one related to your past...

For that I apologize, Chaftar. I really prefer characters to come up with their own missions, I confess. I've left the last 4 years open, so if you wanted to come up with a bit of an original twist you are welcome to.

That being said, what do ya think of this story? Honest opinions would help. If it's trash, I'd really like to know now, so I can know what to do next time.

Whee! Critisims are fun!

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