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Date Posted: 11:59:12 03/11/05 Fri
Author: Fate
Subject: Kraven grins again, and it is clear he has something "up his sleeve." (I mean that figuratively, in case you are wondering. His sleeves are bulging naturally with his own flesh.) He stands up and brushes himself off, "Not a one on one. Those are easy. Why not have a two on two? I think Chaftar and I could still make a good team, even though we're a bit rusty. Or, we could divide it differently, I don't much mind. I just want to have a bit of fun." He throws his hand sharply into the air, "Naturally, there will be no lethal weapons, and once someone is down they are to be considered harmless until they stand up again. No cheating, no serious injuries, no deaths. That should go without saying." From how Kraven was talking, it was clear he didn't spar too much. He was treating the training like a real brawl.
In reply to: Chaftar 's message, "Back at top (you know how I hate scrolling)" on 18:40:28 03/04/05 Fri

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  • Nia shrugged, Kraven may not have sparred much but she was happy to fight hand to hand. Then she sheathed her hunting knife and put it on the ground then removed the six other knives that she kept in various places around her body. "So me and Skye against you and Chaftar then? Oh and Kraven, none of your little magic tricks. Lets keep this clean." (NT) -- Nia, 21:01:18 03/11/05 Fri
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