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Date Posted: 11:29:33 04/27/05 Wed
Author: Chaos
Subject: Chaos stands up and starts to follow Guide. After a while he runs ahead and up to one of the spheres. "Hey! What are these things?" Unless stopped, he starts to punch one of them, to see what it would do.
In reply to: Fate 's message, "The Spiral" on 13:08:05 04/13/05 Wed

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  • Kia follows aboves Guide. She was ready to get out of this strange dimension and return to normality. (NT) -- Kia, 09:12:37 04/28/05 Thu
  • Guide doesn't seem to notice Chaos as she walks passed. Chaos manages to punch through one of the spheres, and it feels like punching water, without the splash coming out. His arm simply sinks into the sphere, although after about three inches it stops being water and just feels like warm, stale air. 'Each sphere is a dream,' Guide says to him, as if it explained anything. (NT) -- Fate, 07:47:59 04/29/05 Fri
  • "so he just punched a dream? Does that mean that suddenly while that person was sleeping, a giant fist appeared over head? With that, Naverin walked "up" to where there was another spherical haze and begins circling it. (NT) -- Naverin, 13:25:30 04/29/05 Fri
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