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Date Posted: 16:55:34 08/26/04 Thu
Author: Charles
Subject: Re: I fell in love with a French man
In reply to: Janelle 's message, "I fell in love with a French man" on 21:58:39 01/03/03 Fri

I am Charles, french too.
I know your situation as i have been in it.
My answer is short but meaningfull:
If there is REAL love, then the rest follows, realt is stronger than anything and if you are lucky enought to find it, nothing can brake it, except a stronger love (not even sure about that). Call it an unbreakable bond.
If this bond is true then you both you will find a way through this.


>I know I shouldn't be thinking about this, but I just
>can't help it. It's pain, really harsh pain, and I'm
>doing it to myself. I've never really taken
>relationships seriously. Probably because I've grown
>up with no real male-like parental figure. I've always
>tended to push guys away and try to piss them off just
>because I think that they'll end up being my father.
>And I really REALLY don't mean to sound like a bitch
>but the whole male area was always just a little game
>to me because I always thought that all guys were
>scum. I'd go to one, get bored, then move to the
>other. I couldn't help it, I don't ever want to end up
>with someone that will make my life miserable. But one
>day I met an amazing guy named Olivier. I think that
>Olivier is the first guy that I actually let into my
>heart. He's the most pure, generous, intellegent,
>beautiful, loving person that I have ever met.
>What's the problem? Well we met my senior year in
>high school, he's a foriegn exchange student from
>France. And in a couple of months he's going back to
>France to finish his studies for a year. After that
>year he can go to college in France or he also has a
>slight chance of being able to go to college in
>America. The answer if he will come back or not will
>never really be answered until the time comes, because
>it's expensive to go to college here and during that
>year that he's back in France ... he could meet
>someone else. I love him and he loves me. It's
>perfection now, but I don't know if his heart will
>stay with mine when he's away for one whole year. He
>tells me that he won't find another and that he'll try
>his hardest to come back, but then I also think, I'm
>so young what do I know and what about the year that
>he's gone? I really wish and hope that we're meant to
>be, so that we meet again. He's definitely someone
>that I can really LOVE. He's someone that I've found
>light in out of all the others. So if this isn't just
>an infatuation, or a high school crush, this is a test
>for myself. No more tests for guys ... this is for me.
>If we're meant to be ...
>But is it worth the chance? Should I stop the
>relationship now and save my tears? I don't know what
>to do. I feel like I've found my other half, but of
>course with my luck, the other half lives in a total
>different country.
>Thank you so much for reading this and I'd appreciate
>any comments ... I need truth, reality, and hope all
>at the same time.
>Janelle, NY, USA

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  • Re: I fell in love with a French man -- Fallen, 06:07:02 09/03/04 Fri
  • Re: I fell in love with a French man -- Chris & Dannis, 16:29:05 01/18/06 Wed
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