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Date Posted: 20:36:50 09/23/01 Sun
Author: Chava•Sinouth
Subject: Her smug, wry look quickly oscillated. . .

upon hearing Alaseri's words. "T'ren? Gotten over?. . . " She frowned mightily, confused only for a second. "Oh, I see. . . Excuse me." Bowing, she slipped off to find Ritaki, if that is, she had come at all. ~Sinouth? Is Alieth here?~ Her green, who had just settled in for a long nap, was a bit grumpy as she replied, {Alieth is here. Her just went in. Go see your friend, though I think she feels better after talking with the rider of brown Dimath.} Chava nodded in response to her dragon's comments, though her green couldn't see her, and immediately scanned the crowd for the queenrider. As soon as she spotted her, she headed over with a relieved grin. "'Taki! Good, you're here! I hoped I could find you before you got caught up in all the wonderful food. . . Did you come with anyone?" she asked, knowing full well the answer. On the other hand, she had no idea who Dimath's rider was. {K'ndelek,} Sinouth interjected drowsily. Well, no matter. It was a way to start a conversation. Chava shrugged with a good-natured grin as she waited for Ritaki's reply.

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