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Date Posted: 21:37:17 04/30/04 Fri
Author: Chuck McFate
Subject: Re: Slide Mt. Lookout
In reply to: Terry Morse 's message, "Slide Mt. Lookout" on 12:32:54 04/21/04 Wed

Hey Terry,
We are in the process of recruiting people from the Santa Clarita Valley and as far north as Gorman.

Slide is staffed only by a few hardy souls that are willing to brave the hike, heat and ticks.

It is technically "open" year-round weather permitting.
If a group wants to meet up there for a "tour" email me and I will try to set something up.

As Don mentioned, we are going to start training shortly.
If you enjoy hiking up to Slide, we can get you a few miles closer and you will be able to spend the night...once you finish your training. lol

See you up on the Mountain,

Chuck McFate
Team Leader, Slide Mtn Lookout

>I hike Slide Mt. regularly, yet have only seen someone
>in the lookout once (last October). With the new look
>of the website, schedules aren't posted for Slide Mt.
>anymore. Several weeks ago, I ran into a Sierra Club
>group that was very disappointed that the lookout was
>closed. My question is (or suggestion), is to post
>the schedules again. I think you would be surprised
>at how many people hike up there.

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